Confessions Of A 20-Year-Old Jewelry Lady | The Odyssey Online
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Confessions Of A 20-Year-Old Jewelry Lady

Premier Designs, college and making the most of it all.

Confessions Of A 20-Year-Old Jewelry Lady
Jenna Musgrove

"So, you took a total leap of faith and now this is what you have?"

The precious, soft-spoken woman opened her hands toward the table that was covered in jewelry.

"Well, I suppose so."

"The Lord has really blessed you because of it."

I smiled. Yes, He has.

Rewind to two years ago. I was fresh out of high school and felt fresh out of purpose, too.

When I walked across the stage in May 2014 and was handed my diploma, I felt numb.

I had spent the four years prior cheering, serving as Class President, being actively involved as a leader in Student Council, balancing two part-time jobs, and maintaining all A's. Let's not forget the countless dress-up days. And decorating for homecoming. And all of the other fun activities that I handed over on an invisible platter in exchange for the piece of paper that certified I was ready to close such a huge chapter of my life--the only chapter, in fact, I had ever known.

That's not to say I was not excited about college. College meant one step closer to my dream: teaching. But college also meant, for me, wondering how or where I was going to get plugged in to lead and serve. It was full of unknowns, which thankfully, meant some exciting surprises were in store.

In July 2014, two months after graduating, I went to India. It changed my heart and my worldview. When I returned to the states, I had a renewed passion for reaching the lost.

Around the same time, I was introduced to a company called Premier Designs. As I was told about it, I remember thinking, "This is so not for me. Hello, I don't wear jewelry. The only thing I know how to sell is class T-shirts. And who even does those home parties anymore?!"

Then, I was told that Premier supports missions in big ways both here and globally.

I remember, so clearly, feeling the Lord pushing me to do it. To take that leap of faith. There it was--in a sparkly, odd-shaped blessing--the way the Lord would allow me to get plugged into serving, leading, supporting missions, and meeting countless ladies who would become my forever-friends.

It was so strange because I am a worrier, but never once from the time I decided to do Premier has it been cause for worry in my life.

Premier works beautifully as a way to earn income in college. Here are some things I have found as a college-age jeweler:

1. We know people.

Seriously, we still have the list of 450 people we mailed graduation invitations to. We sit in class with a whole bunch of broke, eager-to-accessorize individuals every day. This immense pool of contacts proves to be extremely beneficial as you begin your own business.

2. We know how to reach people.

Need to get someone a message? We can tweet it, Facebook it, Snapchat it, Instagram it, and hashtag it before you can blink your eyes. Then there is the real communication--the kind that matters. The hand-written letters and the personal phone calls. What better way to pass that on to the next generation--my generation--than to teach us?

Premier's co-founder, Joan Horner, was so passionate about keeping things personal. Today, we as jewelers help keep Joan's legacy alive by keeping it personal with our hostesses, customers and fellow jewelers.

3. We know fashion.

OK, so maybe I don't. But so many people my age are truly starting to find their own sense of style. Not to mention, in just a few short years we will begin working as professionals and can use all the help we can get building a professional wardrobe. Thank you, Premier, for the chance to earn free and half price bling.

4. We know the importance of preparing for the future.

Hello, we are investing this whole chapter of our life to preparing for the future. Premier pays jewelers generous commission for investing in others and helping them start their own Premier journey. The opportunity to build residual income at such a young age is beyond fabulous.

5. We know the value of friendship.

Think of all the friendship-centered activities in college. From sororities to movie nights, college students "get" that friendships truly matter. Premier has provided me with some of the most genuine, godly women as mentors and friends.

But finally...

We don't know it all. Contrary to popular belief (and contrary to the way I rolled my eyes at my mama way too much sophomore year), we also "get" that we have a lot left to learn. We, in fact, are paying a great deal of money to be taught what we need to know to be the best at our future profession. This willingness and excitement for learning will take anyone far in the Premier business.

I believe, I genuinely believe, that Premier is a great fit for ladies at any stage of life. It truly meets needs. Whether you're an education major just out of high school or a retiring educator, Premier could be the odd-shaped, sparkly blessing you've been praying for.

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