For a lot of people, college is the first time that they are able to truly express themselves not only as individuals, but as sexual beings. Some people choose to only have committed relationships for their entire college experience while others choose to do who and whatever they want. There is nothing wrong with both of these lifestyles, as long as both people involved are comfortable with the situation. However, there is a stigma surrounding the second lifestyle, especially if you are a young woman. For some reason, girls who feel confident enough to have sex with whoever they choose are labeled "hoes" by the general public. And God forbid if you "wife a hoe." You're not as "bad" as her, but you can be certain that your boys will clown you. Now, why is this? I decided to sit down with a self-proclaimed hoe to see her opinion on this issue.
How many bodies have you caught here at Howard?
How do you feel about the term hoe?
I think, as someone who enjoys casual sex, I think that the word hoe is a reclamation, like the word n***a. I think some people use it derogatorily, but for me, it's uplifting. I aspire to be a greater hoe every day of my life. There is nothing wrong with enjoying casual sex.
How do you feel about men?
It gives me great pleasure to run game. Society likes to perpetuate the notion that young women are docile, easily manipulated and generally very high strung. That's funny to me, because the men that I've run game on show those signs more than me. To me, my hoe-ness is empowering, it's liberating and it's very satisfying. People like to make it seem like promiscuity has negative effects on your psyche, but to me, it is a self confidence booster.
How do you go about "running game?"
[Laughs] I can't give out my trade secrets. It's pretty easy. Men love thinking that they're the ones in control of the situation when in reality, they're not. Getting men isn't the problem, it's turning men into puppies that's the hard and fun part.
So have you ever been in a long term relationship and if so, how long was it?
Our relationship lasted for about a year and a half. And no, I didn't cheat on him. The general perception is that if you "wife a hoe," she's just going to cheat on you. So no, I didn't. I also wasn't heartbroken and that's not why I became a hoe. I just enjoy the act of casual sex.
What do you think of the idea that you can't wife a hoe?
I think anyone that holds that archaic ideology can eat a d**k. I don't see why people think that just because a girl is sexually active, it immediately devalues her worth and they can't be "wifed." I don't want to be "wifed" by any man who thinks that way.
What do you think about Cardi B and Amber Rose heading this new sexual liberation movement?
I think Cardi B is really annoying. I appreciate what she stands for, but I wish there was more intellectual discourse on sexual liberation as opposed to silly vines and catchphrases like "a hoe never gets cold." I really love Amber Rose's concept of the Slut Walk. I would love to attend one. Overall, I appreciate these women using their fame to speak out on the issue.
Do you have any advice for the young girls out there?
No, I don't. I'm not a role model, ask your momma. [Laughs] Nah, but really, don't let these bums try to tell you what your worth is, especially when it comes to your sexual history. That's your business.