Hey you, sitting in your dorm fawning over the boy you just met last week, meticulously going over every detail and moment you guys have shared together all ready: be careful. I know right now it seems like he's the most amazing guy in the world, but really, you just like the idea of him; you don't really know him. I'm not lecturing you, because I've been there before too, and far too often. Boy after boy, they come and go. Your friends tell you that you need to slow down, that people are going to get the wrong idea of you, but they don't really understand. Every guy you meet and instantly connect with, your mind starts cranking out thoughts of "what ifs." Each time you hang out with a new guy, it isn't just to "get it," as many would assume. Yes, it is possible to "Netflix and chill" with someone of the opposite sex and not hook up, and God forbid a girl and guy hang out and just talk.
You're a hopeless romantic, no way around it. It's a blessing and a curse to say the least. Chances are Valentine's Day is one of your favorite holidays and you've watched "The Notebook" approximately 27 times (and cried each time). We'll start on the bright side, a blessing. Being a hopeless romantic, you love larger and fall harder than most people. You believe in love at first sight and can pretty much picture a whole life with someone after only a few dates. Few things make you happier than being able to invest part of your life in someone else. Romantic movies make tears stream down your face and being asked on an actual date calls for the full shebang, fresh manicure, new clothes and all.
But there are always two side of the story, so now, the curse. As hopeless romantics, it's not too uncommon to fall too hard, too fast. I cannot tell you how many times this year I've thought something was going somewhere, only to a few weeks in get the "I'm not really looking to be in a relationship right now" text. I know the feeling of reading that text message is always a little heartbreaking, regardless if we want to admit it or not. But it's OK, he (or she), they're just not the one. We also tend to scare people away. Our brains are wired on the idea of forever. Sure, we know that relationships don't always work out, but we never purposely start a relationship we know won't last.
Your best friends always yell at you because they hate seeing you upset. You know you don't always put yourself in the best situations; you set yourself up for heartbreak and ache. Sometimes you need a few flings, so you can finally learn your lesson.
There are several things I've learned along the way or living this life of the hopeless romantic. Don't go after the majority of college boys, especially freshmen. Everybody wants to find themselves and have the time of their lives that first glorious year at college, which most of the time means not being tied down. Chill out as much as you can, relationships don't happen over night, or even over a month for that matter, give it time.
I still haven't learned it all. I still fall for the wrong guy time in and time out, but that's what friends are for, to tell you "I told you so" and then feed you puddling while watching "New Girl" and crying.