It's always been said there are two things in this world you just don't talk about, politics and religion. I say that's a completely terrible way to go about things. It should be okay to have your own beliefs and you should be able to speak out about them the way you please, without anyone making you feel less for it. Although everyone may believe this to be true, almost no one is able to do this without being shunned by friends and put down by family and the world as a whole. As a millennial and a conservative, I have felt this 100% first hand.
You may think this isn't true, but I think other millennials, as well as just conservative's and Republican's in general, would agree with this statement. I am used to biting my tongue when others bring up hot topics in politics because I knew my conservative opinion wouldn't be as accepted by my peers. I have been called countless names for certain beliefs I hold and as a millennial and a conservative, I say it's time we stop bending to the thoughts of the majority and continue to stand up for what we believe is right.
I was brought up in a religious home and a traditional family. Both of my parents were Republican's and most of my extended family is as well and yes, that definitely influenced my beliefs. One of the biggest things conservative millennials want you to know is yes, we do make our own decisions in what to believe. My parents and I don't agree 100% on everything, but we do align in most of our core values. It is extremely frustrating, however, to be told that I only say what they believe.
As I have grown up and experienced different things and met so many new people, I have been able to work on opening my mind up to hearing more liberal views. At the same time, this doesn't mean I have changed my beliefs in the slightest. It just means I am willing to listen, but you can bet that I will share my opinions back with you and the respect has to go both ways.
In the case of this presidential race, I hate everyone assuming that because I am a conservative millennial that must mean I am so excited to vote for Trump. No, I am not a huge supporter of the man and yes I agree he has so many issues and flaws. As American's it is our duty to vote and although you may not be able to respect a vote for Trump, I find it very hard to respect a vote for Hillary. This is where the respect comes into play again because frankly, I agree with more of what Trump says than Hillary.
In all reality, I am proud to be a conservative in my generation. When so many millennials hold such strong liberal values, I am proud to be part of a small group of individuals whom I believe hold wonderful values and beliefs. Although it can be the hardest thing sometimes, I will always stand up for my conservative beliefs and I'm not sorry for it.