Confessions Of An Amusement Park Cleaning Lady | The Odyssey Online
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Confessions Of An Amusement Park Cleaning Lady

The four of the many reasons why cleaning is a hard job.

Confessions Of An Amusement Park Cleaning Lady
Shiane Salabie

Who loves going to Amusement parks? A lot of people would say yes but when you go, do you understand the hard work put into the park? Appearance is everything. If the park is trashed, no one will come. So that being said, the most underrated department of every amusement park will be the cleaning crew. Why? I have no idea.

I think I could write a book about all the things I encountered while working as a cleaning lady for an amusement park but I have listed my top 4.

1. Cleaning up Poop

Nasty right? The sound of that just makes anyone want to walk away from that job but it has to be done. Someone has got to do it and for this, I believe cleaning people should get paid more, especially if we are cleaning up human feces. Now, children make mistakes. I understand that but why poop next to the stand where they are selling hot dogs and fries? Why? How does that even happen? I was walking around and minding my own buisness when I decided to go check to see if there were any stray fries on the floor. Low and behold I found quite a treasure - large mound of nastiness. And on top of that, the people serving the food did not notice it. The least the family could have done would be to tell them so they could have called me to clean it up. Who knows how long it was sitting there just baking away in the sun? If it's an accident, just let someone know. I get more finding things randomly rather than actually being told. This should not be a mess hunt.

2. Diapers

To be honest, my least favorite customers will be mothers who bring around their babies and do not clean up after them. I understand you have other children but if you have a baby who needs changing, please change them AND throw away the diaper. The concrete is not a place for the diaper. I remember one time when I was cleaning and a lady looked dead at me, left all her trash on the table (including a diaper of course) and strolled away with her baby. And yes, a trash can was right next to table. It was so gross. She could have at least taken the diaper. Do you honestly want someone inhaling the smell of that? That is very inconsiderate and disrespectful. And in the bathroom, tampon bags are just that - tampon bags. They are not for diapers because they are way too small to hold a large diaper. There will always be a trashcan for that reason. It is not there for my health. Two, tampon bags are not there to hold any dirty underwear. Again, there is a designated trashcan. They are not there for bottles, beer cans (why do you even have that in the bathroom?), fries, chips, ect. Whatever you put in there, the scent can get out and spread to the bathroom, especially if it is a busy day and the bathroom attendant cannot get through to change the bags often. I have seen this almost daily. And I have seen this in the parking lot. Again, designated trashcans everywhere.

3. Rude Customers

There are rude customers everywhere but for this I have a very specific story. I would like to start of saying, I hate customers that try to bend rules. Just because you paid to come here, does not mean I bend over backward for you. I have a certain set of rules to follow to. Okay, so it was fourth of July weekend. Everyone knows it was going to be busy. There were going to be fireworks. The park was packed. In the waterpark wave pool, there was barely any room to stand. You were practically just swimming in one square. So, if the waterpark is packed then you already know the bathrooms are swamped. We are a relatively smaller park so the waterpark only has two bathrooms. I was working at the larger one by the wave pool. I had to play bathroom traffic cop because people started to fight over stalls and not want to wait in line. I was walking back and forth a lot trying to keep the peace. Now, the water park bathrooms have dressing rooms and showers. The showers are not closed and regardless, a lot of people are changing everywhere in the bathroom. It is way too packed.

I go back to let the lady know she could use a stall after I had cleaned it and saw a rather large muscular man behind her. My first reaction was to say "excuse me sir, but this is the girl's bathroom. Men aren't allowed in here." And he told me he was here with his daughter. Now, she looked young and looked like she really needed to go. I asked him "Is there noone else that can take her?" He said no and then I told him they could go really quickly.

After that, I retrieved some soap to restock the girls' bathroom and the man was outside with a group. He saw me and stopped me. He asked "Are you the girl that stopped me in the bathroom?" I said yes. Then, he went on to yell at me about how he didn't like the way I talked to him, that he could have gotten real hostile, and that I could have taken him somewhere else for her to use the bathroom. I told him that we did not have a family bathroom and that it was my job to tell men they cannot be in there. Then, he continued to yell so I just said I am sorry to get him to leave me alone. Why he had a group with him while he was yelling at a very small girl is beyond me. Please do not get mad at me for trying to enforce the rules. A lot of men would just take their daughter into a stall in the men's bathroom. I risked my job enough actually just letting the girl go and watching until they left. I did you a favor. I let the girl go because she needed to go, not for your sake. And I didn't even call security after he yelled at me because I didn't want to mess up her day. Next time I will not be so nice man.

4. Love in the Bathroom

I'd say this one takes the cake. It all started in the boys' bathroom in the waterpark. Now, the bathrooms do not have doors. They just have openings. One day we found a very intimate couple in the doorway engaging in some love pecking shall we say. Now, wouldn't it make sense to go in a stall? They were literally in the door way. If you were 2 feet away walking towards the bathroom, you would see them. Since it was the men, neither I nor the security guard could go in there. I was in charge of the girls' side. The security guard ended up getting a male security guard to break it up. He said "let me ask you this one question, why here?" The couple just said they wanted to be spontaneous. He said, "So wait, you couldn't go in the car, a bush, or something? It had to be the bathroom doorway?" They were then kicked out but I got a real kick out of it. The things people do. You would be surprised what things happen in an amusement park.

Please be nice to your cleaning crews all over. This is only a minuscule version of the madness that goes down in a normal day at work.

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