School has never been my favorite thing to do, ever! I can remember getting my nickname in Kindergarten because my mom was upset my teacher and peers weren't calling me by the nickname she wanted me to be known by. I remember very little about Elementary school, Middle school I remember more of and this is where I remember not caring if I passed or failed. I never thought that the stupid amount of studying and homework were worth my time. I remember a couple of my teachers, specifically my sixth grade Language Arts and History teacher, and my eighth grade History teacher, helped me tremendously. Because of them together, I am now more organized. They both had given me the chance to change my F into a C or better. Throughout High school, I still had that same "idgaf" attitude and I definitely did not want to go to college. So High school graduation rolls around in 2010 and I graduate in the lower half of my class. Fast forward to my first semester in county college. I was on the Dean's list my first semester; a GPA of 3.8. I was so proud of that and didn't realize my full potential. I had gotten a full academic scholarship to St. Leo in Florida, but decided to stay home.
At one point the school had screwed me over and I was stuck doing 3 years in a 2 year college. So I stopped caring again. I was doing the work but it was done half assed, only I had figured out that if it at the very least sounded like I knew what I was saying, I got a good grade and I passed for the semester with nothing lower than a B. I had bullshitted my way through basically 2.5 years at a community college and 2 years of a university. I was unstoppable. Or so I thought.
Lets fast forward to the here and now... My second to last semester at my school. I am finishing up the final classes before I start my senior internship... and my record of procrastinating has not failed me yet. Although, my professors this semester are insanely amazing, they set schedules for papers and help you along the way. In all of my years in college, I have never been a part of a workshop at all let alone where the professor is working so closely with the work you have gotten done. And I have honestly never worked and researched so hard in my life. But here I am, once again, procrastinating. I am typing this article of how I am procrastinating, while I am ignoring my school work when finals are literally creeping up! And this time I can't make up an excuse; in fact I have ran out of excuses to use.
When all is said and done I know that I should be focused on the last dash of my college career, and for 5-6 years, I couldn't wait for it to be over. Although I am still busting my ass and making sure everything is perfect and up to par to get the best grade possible, because I refuse to prolong my graduation date any longer, especially when I have been on Dean's List every semester since I started going to college, a place I never thought I would be at.
So I guess the moral is, procrastination does sometimes pay off. Even though I wait until the very last minute, I still push through and I get things done and turned in when they are due! I wouldn't suggest putting more stress on yourself when school is stressful enough, but it works when the pressure is on.
**Just for everybody's amusement, this is me at the end of the semester in I believe it was 2014... Cause if you don't laugh you'll cry.. A motto I've lived by since 2010 :) Good luck on finals my loves!!!