Confessions Of A Bruster's Scooper
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Confessions Of A Bruster's Scooper

A Bruster's scooper honestly answers all the crazy questions that they get asked every day.

Confessions Of A Bruster's Scooper
Franchise Genius

Whether you’re treating yourself or someone you love, Bruster’s has more than 140 recipes with smooth ice cream made from real ingredients and loaded with cookies, candies, and other sweet goodies. And because every scoop is made in the store just a few steps from the counter where it’s served, it always tastes fresh. At any given time, we serve up to 24 flavors of ice cream, yogurt, sorbet, sherbet, and Italian ices. We also make our own fresh waffle bowls and waffle cones in the store every single day. I grew up going to Bruster's for ice cream with my parents during the long hot summer days. When I moved to Greenwood, I decided that while I was in college that I was going to work part time at my local Bruster's store. Over the past year since I have been working there, I have made a mental list of things that are said to me or questions that customers ask me while I am working. I'm going to answer all of those questions as well as comment on all the statements that I hear on a daily basis.

1. "Oh my gosh, these prices are absolutely ridiculous! I'm not paying this much for a cup of ice cream!"

OK. I know the prices are pretty steep, but we have a good reason for why they are high. As I said earlier, we make our own ice cream in the store every single day. This means that the ice cream I just scooped out and handed to you in a cute little red cup was made within the last 24-48 hours. This stuff is fresh as it gets! High quality product means high quality price. Also, please don't take out your anger about the prices on me and my fellow scoopers. We don't make the prices. We just make your orders. We do not enjoy cups of ice cream being thrown at us or our windows.

2. "Can I try a couple of different flavors?"

Free samples are awesome, and I will be more that happy to let you sample all the different flavors. However, trying all of the 24 different flavors on the board in the drive thru is very frowned upon. I know that the drive thru is extremely convenient, but it is meant for fast service. If you want to try a bunch of different flavors, I beg you, just use one of the walk-up windows. We will gladly let you try all 24 flavors there!

3. "This isn't enough ice cream. Can I get an extra scoop?"

My answer to this will be "Absolutely! However, it's going to be an extra 65 cents." Don't look at me like I have just called your momma an ugly name when I say that. I can't give you a free scoop of ice cream just because you think your small cup isn't going to be enough. You saw the sizing on the board when you ordered! If you are getting three scoops of ice cream instead of two, I have to ring it up that way!

4. *Looks at the board of flavors for five minutes* "Do you have Mint Chocolate Chip?"

Friends, this is our number one pet peeve. If you do not see it on that board of today's flavors, we don't have it! If it is in the back, there is a 99.9 percent chance that it is not severable yet. I promise that we aren't keeping your favorite flavor in the back just because we want to see you suffer.

5. "You haven't had my favorite flavor in a long time! When are you going have it next?"

My response? "I'm sorry we don't have your favorite flavor. How the flavors are rotated is completely up to the manager. We have to keep a wide selection of flavors on a constant rotation so I have absolutely no idea when my manager will decide to make your favorite flavor." Please don't roll your eyes at me when I tell you this. This is the honest truth! Why would I lie to you about this? The only thing I can do is put you on the call list for that flavor!

6. "I know that the sweet rewards card is redeemable for a small cup or cone, but can I use it on something else?"

I hate when people ask me this. No! The only thing you can use that card for is a small cup or cone. You can roll your eyes and tell me that the Bruster's in Greenville or Anderson lets you use this card for something else all you want to, but ultimately we have to follow company policy and I refuse to get fired just because you want your Hot Fudge Brownie Sundae for free!

7. "Just a small cup of chocolate and that's it."

If you come through the drive thru, tell us what you want, and drive around to the window, do not wait until I make your order, cash your order out, and hand it out to you for you to tell me that you have changed your mind and that you want a chocolate shake instead. This puts me very behind, especially if I have other cars behind you. I will have to stop, delete your order, refund your money, and then re-ring you up, re-cash your order out as well as make your milkshake, which aren't the fastest things to make. It's OK if you change your mind, just don't wait till I'm telling you to "come see us again soon" before you decide to change your mind.

8. Mistakes

At Bruster's, when you order we have to remember it off the top of our heads. We don't have the nifty little system that we can ring your order into and it will remember it for us. With this being said, we sometimes make mistakes. Usually we will repeat the order to you just to make sure we have it right before we make it. If we repeat the order to you wrong, please just kindly restate it. You don't have to sit there and yell at me about how I didn't get your order right. At least I asked you about it before I made it, because if I made your order wrong, you would have to sit there longer while I remake it. I'm human and I make mistakes. You don't have to be hateful about it!

Are you guilty of asking some of these questions? It's OK if you have because I guarantee you that you are not the only one to ask these questions.

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