So I have been going to overnight summer camp now for 14 years total for 43 weeks combined plus many vacations and weekend camping trips, you would think by now I would have packing down to a science. Plus a year in a college dorm room. But I haven’t so here are my confessions as an overpacker.
1.You never know how many flashlights you will need for a week. I can bring 5 and a lantern and still only barely be able to find the lantern in my stuff.
2. You never know how many times you will spill something or fall in the mud, so you always need extra tshirts- probably many more than you will actually need.
3. I really need to try harder not to over pack, my thoughts as i try to get all my stuff to fit in a small space.
4.Yes, I need my multiple water bottles even though I will probably only use same one all summer or not be able to find them when i need them.
5. FIlling a minivan and a half while moving out of college when you know you only moved in with one minivan worth of stuff.
6.Trying to figure out how many books and coloring books you need and always seeming to have more than you need.
7. When your friends make jokes at how much stuff you make to camp.
8. Batteries are the only thing I ever wish I had more of. Need to learn to pack more of those.
9. When you move out of your college dorm room and find another 3 sets of sheets you didn't know you had.
10. Oh, it doesn't fit in the bags I thought it would, guess I need another bag to pack in.
11. Yes I know I probably won't use all this stuff, I just feel better with it being here.
Summer #14 and I think I am slowly getting to not overpacking as much as I used to.