To be indecisive is to be plagued by a lack of decision-making and firmness. To an indecisive person, this characterizes our daily lives. The struggle of making basic decisions is unreal and overwhelming, and few seem to understand us very much. To be honest, I'm even having a hard time making decisions on what to include in this article.
1. Justin Bieber's "What Do You Mean?" defines your daily life.
2. You constantly ask people to make decisions for you.
3. You change your outfit at minimum three times each morning, or stand in your underwear until you decide what to wear.
4. Ordering at restaurants gives you anxiety.
5. People never understand why you can't make a decisions... And sometimes you just sit there wondering the same thing.
6. Once you do make your decision you still question if it was the right one a week later.
8. Having to answer the question, "What do you want to eat?" is your worst nightmare.
9. You can never pick just one favorite food.
10. Or favorite anything for that matter.
11. Big decisions are your worst enemy.
12. Don't even ask me how I'm doing because my answer will be something like, "happy-good yet sad-bored but still mellow, and also angry."
13. Too many options on the table is like having a heart attack.
14. And yet, you still keep asking for more options.
15. While you love shopping, you never know what to buy.
16. "What do you want to do today?" I don't know, jump off a cliff maybe?