Adulthood is a great thing. I may be just scraping the beginnings of it, but I'm getting a taste of it all the same. The freedom you get as an adult is unmatchable. I'm living on my own, doing as I please, and my days are run by me.
But there are certain responsibilities that come along with being an adult that I could do without. Rather than being able to binge watch my favorite shows in peace, there is almost ALWAYS some responsibility hanging over my head.
Whether it be work related, school related, or honestly just personal stuff that needs to be thought about and figured out. More often than not, any time I take more than an hour to relax during the day, I just end up feeling guilty because I KNOW there is something that could have been getting done.
In those moments, I like to remember the earlier years of life. Back when I was a child and things just kind of happened around the house. You would wear your clothes and three days later, they would end up right back in your drawer. Dishes just magically happened to do the same thing. I had a favorite plate to use for dinner every night, and it was always clean and ready to go. Nowadays, I might run out of clean underwear, and the sink tells me that dishes are not going to magically go away on their own.
And don't even get me started on bills, man. I remember seeing those little white envelopes and just thinking my parents had a lot of friends. Boy, was I wrong. I get those little suckers in the mail and just want to transfer them directly to the trash. You can't even get away from them online. I get emails every month reminding me that money will be taken out of my account eventually. Sometimes I'll get lucky and the paycheck won't be spent before I receive it, but it doesn't happen often.
Back in the good ol' days of childhood/the teenage years, life just kind of went the way your parents helped it along. In the adult years, your life goes the way you allow it to. You make your plans, you make your decisions, and whatever the outcome is, you get to roll with the punches.
As hard and as difficult as adulthood is, and is going to be, I wouldn't change a thing. I am so proud to say that my parents and all the people around me have given me the tools/support that I need to succeed. I am going to mess up, I am going to make mistakes, and the bills are never going to stop coming in, but that's just life. Though I miss the days of being responsibility free, I embrace the days of adulthood with open arms (and maybe a few tears).