I've been in the business of childcare since I was 16-years-old. And let me tell ya, it's quite an interesting job to take on! It's the perfect gig for someone in school or looking to earn an extra paycheck on the side. It allows college students and those wanting a less demanding job the opportunity to have flexible hours, usually good pay, and a chance to build a relationship with the family.
Don't get me wrong. There will still be days where your patience is tested, just like any other job, and unavoidable accidents will happen on occasion. The adorable 3-year-old little boy and 20-month baby I've had under my care for nearly a year are especially imaginative with their creative ideas and clumsy mishaps (like all kids that age)!
So, without further ado, here are some of my personal experiences dealing with toddlers as told by GIF's of the original nanny herself, Fran Drescher.
1. When the 3-year-old gives a good bite to the leg to "see if it tastes good".
Giphy2. When you nail an activity that everyone loves.
Giphy3. When you get everyone down for a nap at the same time.
Giphy4. Coming down the stairs after successfully juggling and squashing two chaotic meltdowns.
Giphy5. Your face when asked why you aren't laughing after a 13-year-old boy flung goldfish all over the interior of your car...
Giphy6. When they say your name for the first time, lisp and all.
Giphy7. An exact reaction of the splash fest during swim lessons that is unavoidable.
Giphy8. The face you make when the baby refuses to eat anywhere else except your lap.
Giphy9. The sheer joy that ensues after you fix what was thought to be a toy broken forever.
Giphy10. Stressing out about if you used hand sanitizer after handling a snot-covered toy.
Giphy11. Pretending to be shocked when the 3-year-old tells you water is wet.
Giphy12. When you walk in to see a war has erupted involving the content of the snack cups.
Giphy13. When you realize there's an intense stare-off happening to determine who is actually in control.
Giphy14. When you're watching the baby monitor and realize the next Olympic champion is training in his crib.
Giphy15. How you blow off the question of where babies come from.
Giphy16. When you make a bomb lunch that isn't rejected immediately.
Giphy17. The face you make to the kids when rushing out the door (with plenty of hugs) on Friday.
Giphy18. The reaction after being told "I love you" for the first time by a 1-year-old.
Giphy19. Welcoming the parents home when the day has been a disaster and all you have to offer are adorable, grumpy children.
Giphy20. How it feels to re-read your favorite books to them.
GiphyFran Drescher is the OG nanny. Growing up watching her wacky way of handling kids, I never thought that one day I'd be dealing with similar ordeals! I started working as a nanny in high school to help earn fun money, but now I'm well versed in the art of juggling little ones. I love every second of it, even the not-so-pretty ones.
To be honest, it's a fun gig for students to get a peek at the parenting world! And maybe learn a thing or two about themselves while dealing with little ones!