A little jealousy is healthy, right? It means that you care and it’s one of the characteristics of being a woman, right? No. I am here to say as a woman, it’s not really healthy to be jealous in any type of relationship. Jealousy is a feeling that gets us so emotional that we lose control of our true feelings. I know what it feels like to be a jealous woman, and I can say it’s not a state of emotion that I enjoy. Although I am overcoming my jealous tendencies, I want to share with you signs of jealously and how to overcome it.
One of the first signs to know if you’re a jealous woman is i you are territorial of your significant other or family and friends. For instance, if you are upset that your bestie has a new friend, this is an example of territorial jealousy. This means you may feel threatened by anyone new that comes into your circle of friends. This disrupts your boundaries, and you may feel like this new person may take your spot. Suggestion 1: You may want to dig deep to see where the territorial jealousy is coming from. Do you have any abandonment issues? Are you afraid that your bestie may get to close to the other friend and leave you in the dust? Journal about this issue to see why you are feeling this way.
The next sign to know if you are a jealous woman is if you are mean to another woman that you barely know. It may be “just something about her that you don’t like.” Have you ever felt like this? Is it hard to compliment this woman? Or do you find yourself secretly admiring her, but will never admit to it? This may be an issue stemming from your past. Did you ever wish you had that new pair of shoes, but your mom was not able to get them for you and you saw someone else in the shoes you wanted? This could be something much deeper than jealously. Suggestion 3: investigate your true desires. You may not really want her possessions; instead, you may envy her life or how she carries herself. Check in with yourself to see why you are jealous of this type of woman.
I will say these feelings do come up from time to time, but I close my eyes to see what the source of the emotion is. Usually, the root of the problem will trace back to a memory that was never healed. So, my remedy is to write in my journal until I discover what the root of the jealousy is. Once I discover the root, I write down solutions about how to overcome the issue. I also pray. Praying proves to be very effective and therapeutic for me.
We are all works in progress. We are all human. We are all flawed. We will always have unexplainable emotions that come up from time to time. The first step is to become aware, and the next step is to overcome.
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