Gum is a worldwide favorite. Everyone can go for a good piece of gum at some time or another. Gum can whiten your teeth, make your breath smell better, or just give you something to do if you're bored. Do you want to make a new friend? Nothing is better than offering them a piece of gum. They will instantly want to talk to you. Gum has helpful properties as well. It can prevent you from crying when cutting onions. It can also help you concentrate and improve your memory (which is especially important in recalling information during a test). For those of you out there who are worried if you swallow gum it will be in your system for seven years, don't worry, it's a myth! Probably the most important fact is that gum can burn 11 calories an hour, which prevents you from taking that long walk from the parking lot to the gym. There are some, including me, that cannot last a single day without chewing gum. It's not a bad thing! Although some people like to think differently.
Sugar free gum cleans your teeth and can even prevent cavities. These are just a few of the ways gum lovers defend their adoration for this chewy delight. There are confessions that every gum lover can relate to.
You always have more than one pack of gum on you at a time.
Didn't have time to brush your teeth before your 8 a.m. class? No problem! Gum comes to the rescue.
You are skilled at hiding your gum from other people.
You are also skilled at blowing the most impressive bubbles out of anyone you know.
If you go too long without a piece of gum, you get the unexplainable urge to eat everything in sight.
When you don't have gum, you proceed to ask everyone you know if they can spare a piece.
You are a master of hiding your gum from teachers in class.
You know the jumbo packs of gum from BJ's and Costco are actually the best things ever.
Whenever you open your bag, you are greeted by dozens of empty gum wrappers.
You always know when someone has taken a piece of your gum...always.
Your friends have taunted you for making so much noise when you chew.
When your friends find your gum stash, they will most definitely start planning an intervention.
Your friends think you are like a magician because you spontaneously pull gum out of nowhere.
You have a favorite brand and flavor that you couldn't bear to part from. Although, you are willing to expand your horizons and give others a try. How could you not? All gum is good gum in your eyes.
Gum is enjoyable and beneficial. So remember, gum is a friend, not a foe. Go get a pack of gum and keep chewing on! And yes, you can definitely pay me in gum.