Eczema is more than just itching and scratching. It is an autoimmune disease that causes a lot of pain and suffering.
It affects my life in many ways, and it makes me consciously avoid certain things. I am going to confess some things that you may see as weird or even gross, but it's sometimes necessary if I don't want my skin to sting and bleed.
Here are 5 confessions from an eczema sufferer. I hope that by reading this you will better understand why I act the way I do.
1. I don't always wash my hands.
If I'm just in the house and not going out, I don't always wash my hands after using the restroom. I understand this might be gross to you, but using soap hurts so bad that I have to avoid it sometimes in the midst of a flare-up.
You bet if I'm interacting with people or handling food I WILL wash my hands, but sometimes I just can't. That doesn't make me gross.
2. I have skipped class because of it.
So far I've skipped class twice because of my eczema. It itches so bad that I know I won't be able to focus. This doesn't mean I'm lazy or overdramatic.
3. I've tried every lotion on the planet.
I've also wasted a lot of money on products that don't work. Cerave is the only one I've really had luck with, and some Aveeno products.
4. I don't use a lot of soap in the shower.
I only use soap where necessary, and especially not my hands because that's where my eczema is the worst. It doesn't make me gross.
5. Sometimes I scratch because the pain is better than the itch.
That's the truth. There's nothing I can do to make the itch go away. I really try to ignore it, but it's nearly impossible. If you wonder why people scratch until they bleed, this is why.
I'm not gross for doing these things. I'm just coping. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does these things to cope. Until you've experienced it, don't judge me.