The lyrics, "you know I'm a dreamer, but my heart's of gold," from the hair metal ballad "Home Sweet Home" by the legendary group Motley Crue have always seemed to speak to me.
You see, I have plenty of dreams. They seem to get inside of my head and display their presence so loudly that I can do anything but ignore them.
For me, when I have a dream, it is molded from pure intentions. I may have my head in the sky, but my feet are on the ground. I have big dreams so I can help others.
Many people have always told me that my dreams were just that--dreams. Something my mind conjures up to keep me entertained. Not something that I could actually achieve.
Me being the stubborn person I am, I had to prove the naysayers wrong.
For me, a big dream is not just a dream; it is a goal--something I plan to set my sights on and strive for.
My biggest dream in life is to be the President of the United States of America. I believe I can achieve it.
Throughout high-school, I told everybody that I was going to be a national officer for Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda when I got to college. I was told that it probably wouldn't happen and that I dream too much.
At the end of my freshman year of college, I ran for Missouri Vice President of Membership and National North Central Vice President and won both offices. My involvement has only increased and I am proud to say I dream big.
It is my dream to travel the world. So far, I have made it to the Canada, China, Mexico and the UK. I have been told that being from a small town, I will never have big experiences.
Nothing exceptional can happen if a person dreams small.
Dreaming big is the only way to push yourself to greatness. Nobody ever stumbles on success; it has to be actively pursued.
If you asked me a year ago what I would be doing this summer, I never would have guessed that my answer would be working for the Missouri State Governor.
Dream big, you might just actually make that dream an accomplishment!