DAMN commuter, back at it again with the confessions?!
Ok so maybe this is more advice than a confession, but I will admit, I have struggled with this problem on and off again and know a thing or two about how to handle it.
For some people, routine is a way of life. It's how you stay sane and keep your life in order. For others, like me, routine gets boring and almost burdensome. Doing the same thing every day and seeing the same people is always hard for me to deal with. Often times the boredom of routine causes me to lose motivation. Particularly, when it comes to school.
Every morning, you wake up at the same time, go to the same classes at the same time, see the same people, go to work, do homework, and do whatever else you do on a daily basis. May it be, playing a sport, watching your favorite tv show, or working on a hobby. After a while, it just feels like life is just about going through the motions.
Regardless, people lose motivation for so many different reasons and there is certainly no right or wrong reason. Break-ups, family problems, or even a bad grade, and so many more could be the cause.
Getting your motivation back isn’t always the easiest task. For some it takes longer than others, and for some it happens with the snap of a finger. Here are a few steps to getting your motivation back and feeling good about your daily routine!
Have no fear; losing motivation is a common occurrence! A collection of papers published by George Washington University suggests that millennials are some of the most unmotivated students. In the beginning, you probably won’t even realize you have lost motivation. For some odd reason, it might feel like you just don’t want to do what you usually do. Waking up and starting your day might feel like a hassle. Thinking about the to-dos of the day might make you feel like throwing your hands in the air and shouting “EFF IT!” You might start skipping class, or missing assignments and going into work late won’t faze you. Consequences will mean nothing to you.
The first step to getting motivation is accepting that it’s gone. Perhaps it was never even there? The tricky thing about realizing it is gone, is that you might not care enough to want to know what’s causing it, because there is no drive to do so! The best way to combat this I have found is to talk about it. Go to your friends, family, or significant other and talk about what you’re going through. Talking to people you trust will help you pin point the cause of your lack of motivation.
What I have found from experience is that when you don’t enjoy what you’re learning in class, or the activities you are participating in, you might have to force yourself to move forward. Sometimes its best to reevaluate your major and find something that makes you want to know everything about that subject.
The most important part of getting yourself back to normal is working towards better. Read your favorite book; find inspiration in your favorite art pieces, and take the initiative to put time and effort into the things that make you happy!