Being a college student is great! You meet so many different and wonderful people and have so many new experiences. Don't get me wrong, I love college. But there are some things we aren't telling you when we say, "Everything is going great!" Here are a few.
I have no idea what I'm doing
I'd like to start off by saying I'm almost completely clueless about my life and where it's headed. I may look like I have it all together, but I can guarantee you that I do not. If you could get a glimpse inside my head you'd see that I'm screaming for some direction. I'm also probably so overwhelmed by what's going on that I can't even remember what you just told me. Sorry if that information was important.
90% of my meals are made in the microwave
Who has time to cook in college? I consider a cooked meal a luxury these days and I appreciate every one that I have, but I just don't have the time to make them. It's so much easier and cheaper to cook something in the microwave; just add water and stir, and three minutes later you have dinner! Eat up!
I spend too much money on things I don't need
When I'm bored (usually in class, don't tell my mom), it's too easy to do some online shopping. If I see something that I absolutely need, I have a pretty hard time telling myself no. I know I'll be paying for this later (literally), but for now I'll just enjoy my new things. It's almost the end of the semester and I'm still not sure what I'm doing in any of my classes, but that's fine because I just got a new head massager and it's wonderful.
I sleep a lot more or a lot less than I should
What's a normal sleeping schedule? That went out the door the first weekend of college. These days I'm either sleeping or wishing I was sleeping and that's it. Sometimes I don't even have time to sleep and sometimes I don't have the energy to do anything but sleep. It happens.
I've had ice cream for breakfast the last three days
Just as I don't have time to cook, I don't have time or money to go buy good food. I also don't have my mom around to tell me what not to eat, or to buy proper breakfast food. So sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Don't judge me on it, I'll get around to grocery shopping sometime soon... Probably.
I miss my family, my pets, and my bed
I miss having endless amounts of support after a long, hard day. I miss the cuddles from my cat and slobbering kisses from my dog. I miss my bed because my queen sized bed is so much better than my Twin XL. I miss the feeling of belonging somewhere and looking forward to my mom's great home cooked meals. I miss being able to hide in my own room and hide from my responsibilities without being questioned by ten different people. Basically, I just miss home.
I watch more Netflix than I'd like to admit
I'd like to end with something that I know is universal: we all spend too much time on Netflix. It's too easy to say that I have time to watch one episode when I really don't. One episode turns into three more and all of a sudden it's 2 AM and I still haven't opened my backpack to do my homework, oops. Maybe tomorrow I will be productive. Maybe.