Here they are, everything you’ve always wanted and more: confessions of a college girl. It should be noted, though, I am only one girl and these are only my confessions. Seeing as I know how girls work very well, I imagine there are many more confessions out there. Even this list is not my exhaustive list of confessions (I’m trying to keep this at least semi-professional). Sit back, relax, and enjoy my recollection of some of the things I am about to confess to you.
1. Sometimes I go three days without showering
2. I don’t always take off my make-up before I go to sleep
3. I also don’t always brush my teeth before I go to sleep (I know, gross but like teeth brushing is a lot of work)
4. I know girls who are addicted to dry shampoo
5. I know girls who can spend like two hours doing their makeup
6. I have no idea what a contour kit is or an eyebrow kit
7. But I have watched YouTube tutorials on how to properly do makeup
8. I can eat copious amounts of food in one sitting, especially anything with cheese, grease, and potatoes
9. I eat, a lot
10. I burp, a lot
11. I’ve made more than six trips to the caf in a day before
12. I'm getting pretty dang good at taking mirror pic selfies
13. I loveee taking selfies
14. Sober and drunk selfies
15. I’ve worn a body-con skirt with a tight crop top too many times to count
16. I’ve made out with frat guys
17. I’ve gotten waaaay too drunk before
18. I’ve thought I was in love more than once
19. I’ve thought I was in love before
20. I’ve drunkenly wanted to steal people's shot glasses
21. I’ve binge-watched multiple series on Netflix to avoid anything that involves even a little bit of effort
22. I've said things like, WOAT, GOAT, extra, and retweet, even when I had no idea what they meant
23. I spend sooo much money at Starbucks
24. I often compare everything about myself to every other girl I see, in this order: body, face, clothes, shoes, arm candy, friends
25. I really want a selfie-stick
26. There are classes I barely passed
27. I’ve been depressed
28. I basically live off vodka waters when I go out to the bar
29. I’ve taken pictures of my friends while they’re passed out on the toilet
30. I’ve sent Snap Chats to my friends while I’m on the toilet
31. I’ve slapped way too many bags of wine
32. I’ve Snap Chatted pictures of my friends while I’m picking them up from one-night stands
33. I’ve posted a Snap Story that’s a million minutes long because I was *feeling myself*
34. I’ve obsessed over how many likes, retweets, and views I get on social media
35. I doubt my academic abilities
36. I doubt my professional abilities
37. College has simultaneously been the best and worst time of my life
38. I can spend over 20 minutes picking at blemishes and flaws on my skin
39. I’ve cried more times than I could even begin to count. They aren’t all sad tears, though. College is an emotional time for a girl
40. I own too many chokers
41. And crop tops
42. And bodysuits
43. And different colors of converse
44. I've gotten ready just to take pictures (then go back to bed/watching something on Netflix) before
45. I’ve stalked multiple people on Instagram
46. I’ve used Tinder
47. I’ve gone on Tinder dates
48. I dated someone I met from Tinder
49. I’ve obsessed over boys, like even more than in high school
50. I’ve contemplated using money to get a better grade in a class
51. I’ve been sexually harassed
52. I’ve felt scared and alone
53. I can sit with my friends and talk s**t about other people for longer than I’m willing to admit
54. I suck at taking/getting pictures when I'm out/doing cool things
55. It's super easy for me to feel left out
56. I get really bad social anxiety
57. I’ve met the most amazing people, like ever
58. There are some people I’ve met who I absolutely cannot stand
59. I like to say college has helped me find out who I am, which is unapologetically myself
60. I talk for a very long time in the bathroom when I’m drunk
61. I talk a lot in general when I’m drunk
62. I talk a lot
63. I love the sound of my own voice
64. I’ve left my landlord a drunk voicemail (still mortified)
65. I’ve met the loves of my life
66. I’ve fallen in love
67. My life has been changed so dramatically that sometimes it scares the living daylights out of me, but most days, I look up and thank my lucky leader above for even making it possible for me to be at college.
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