Whether you are currently enrolled in college, or you are just beginning your search, there is a good chance that you are going to be going on A LOT of campus tours. You obviously are going to be doing a lot of thinking while on them, but have you ever thought about how your tour guide can walk the campus backwards and not trip? Perhaps you've wondered how your tour guide is in such a great and happy mood for an 8 AM tour when you're still half asleep. Here is a look into what your campus tour guides don't let on about his or her job.
1. We live on caffeine
Really and truly, I have seen fellow tour guides down an entire red bull before going on tour. I personally try and drink 2 coffee's before any especially early tours.
2. We use the same jokes for everyone
You think we're funny on the fly? No way, we use the same jokes for every tour. Having reliable jokes is how a tour guide can make sure that you aren't falling asleep while on tour. Plus we think we're pretty funny.
3. "Oh yeah, EVERYONE here is REALLY nice."
I mean, sure, there are a lot of really great people on every campus, definitely the majority. But if you think there isn't a guy in your 9 AM class who you're going to want to punch in the mouth every time he talks, then you're in for a rude awakening. But please come to our school.
4. "I study in the library ALL the time."
Please don't call us out on this. We study in our beds like everyone else with Facebook open and sending Snapchats about how we don't want to be studying. Maybe during finals week we will make our way into the library, but that's mostly because that's where they bring the therapy dogs.
5. Walking backwards is hard
Seriously. We make it look easy, but we walk into stuff all the time. Trash cans, puddles, other people. It's always a gamble when you decide to walk backwards because you have a big tour group, so please be impressed with us because it's genuinely really hard.
As much as we may complain about having a lot of tours on any given day, or a particularly large group, we really don't mind. Some of the best stories come from us giving tours, and hey, we really love it at our school and we want other people to love it too. If we can be the people who help you realize that our school is the one for you, then we've done our job.