You're standing there crossing your fingers, sweating nervously as you pray to God that you have just enough money to buy that beautiful Urban Outfitters top. All of a sudden you hear, "I'm sorry, but it says it's not approved." This horrifying, yet completely expected phrase is almost a daily occurrence in the life of a broke shopaholic. Our debit cards become more like gift cards, as we hope with every new purchase there will be enough on that shiny little piece of plastic. We try to have self-control, really we do, but every store seems to be calling out to us, dragging us through their doors.
Confession Number One:
No, I don't think that this is a problem. Sure, there has been times when my bank account has been in the negatives, but shopping is the only way to calm me down or pick me up after a bad day. Who needs ice cream and sappy movies when you have Nordstrom and Victoria's Secret? On second thought, this is definitely a problem, but I'm just going to keep lying to myself.
Confession Number Two:
You can never have too many clothes. I like being able to have options when deciding what to wear. A lot of times I get told to sell a few of my clothes in order to get some much-needed cash. However these clothes are like my children, I can't just abandon them like that! Not to mention there's always going to be an occasion that we need a different outfit for. What if that cute guy finally invites you to a party? You better believe that you will be needing that cute red shirt that ties in the back.
Confession Number Three:
Pinterest and Tumblr are my worst enemies. We've all seen those smiling models in perfectly put together outfits; outfits that would cost me an entire summer's worth of work to afford. Scrolling through these social media sites just makes me upset as I realize that I will never be able to completely assemble that boho outfit because my money is nonexistent. Even though these dreams might not become reality, I will still look through these websites and cry to myself, hoping that one day they will become mine.
The life of a broke girl addicted to shopping is a rough one, full of anxiety and disappointment, but in the end all you need to do is say a prayer and keep on shopping, ladies!