Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. - First Amendment to the United States Constitution
1. Will I be able to appreciate a counterargument?
Nowadays I believe that most people are too worried about being offended that we close ourselves off to new opinions and as a result become close minded and only shout our opinions (on social media and in real life) to try to get others to our side, rather than opening a discussion and finding a solution.
When you are ready to share your opinion, remember, you should be able to accept someone else's. Meeting in the middle is the ONLY way to create a successful solution for all parties.
2. Is there any ACTUAL truth to my statement?
Before you spout off some crazy statistic that you THINK you read online somewhere or you heard someone say once, double check your facts. Your opinion may be COMPLETELY valid, but wrong facts or a spun stat can crush your argument in seconds.
I'm not saying, by any means, you need to have a complete bibliography in perfect MLA format to be able to speak up, but just please at least be in the ballpark.
3. Am i trying to make a difference, or is this just for trouble's sake?
As Americans we have a right to speech that many do not. Many people have lost their life... I'm sorry, please really think about that... People have DIED for this cause, for you and I to have the protected RIGHT to express our opinion without fear of restriction or harassment by our government/ the majority opinion. Out of respect for those that have been martyrs for the cause and the road it took to get to this freedom, please don't abuse it. Use your privilege and right to enact change and peace, not trouble.
In no way am I trying to limit ANYONE's freedom of speech, this is just a friendly reminder that EVERYONE has that liberty and because we are so privileged we should not abuse the right so many wish they could have.