6 Things Ever Poor-Visioned Person Knows With The Utmost Clarity
How many fingers am I holding up?
I have had glasses since first grade and I have worn contacts since sixth grade, so all of my life pretty much I have encountered many of the same interactions that anyone with horrible vision can relate to. We all know someone with perfect vision and envy them every time they mention it because we are so used to waking up to a blurry world.
Waking up trying to find your glasses or contact case.
I always feel like Velma from "Scooby-Doo" whenever she lost her glasses. It's the same every day where I wake up and put my hand on the side-table trying to search for my glasses or contact case.
When Someone Asks, "how many fingers am I holding up?"
I can see how many fingers, just they're blurry. Just like some signs, I can read, but the letters are blurry too.
The moment when you realize you slept with your contacts.
You wake up and think, "Wow, I can see everything!" Oh, wait, that's not a good thing actually. That means I slept with my contacts, oh dear no. Now you have to experience the agonizing pain of trying to take your contacts out when they're basically glued to your eyes.
Being skeptical that your vision is changing because your glasses aren't working like they used to.
It's very suspicious... I swear I could read what that sign said before, and now it's blurry. I guess that means my eyesight has worsened, oh great.
The dreadful question at the doctor's when they ask, is the first screen better, or number two?
I literally can never tell the difference.
When people brag about their 20/20 vision.
Them: "You would die if it was up to natural selection."
Me: "I know, OK?"
Not everyone is blessed to have perfect vision all of their life.
Our genetics did not bless us with perfect vision. It is a struggle every day to some of us. There are very unfortunate events that occur because of it such as not being able to wear contacts when you have pink eye and have to break out your old, ugly glasses or the pain of forgetting a contact case when you stay over somewhere so you have to go to CVS and buy another bottle of solution and a contact case and the price ends up being almost $10 or even if you do not have contacts and you break your glasses.
Contacts and glasses both cause inconveniences and I am over it.