If you have been listening to music for the past couple of years, chances are that you have heard of Grouplove. Even if you don't know them by name, you more likely than not know them from their hit songs, "Tounge Tied," "Ways to Go," and "Colours." They have had a sizable impact on the music scene since 2011, and this past Wednesday, I got the chance to see them live in Washington, D.C.
Now, going into the show, I knew things were going to be a little rough because of the election results that came in this week, and some of my fears were justified. I have never heard more people scream "F Donald Trump!" at the top of their lungs. While I wasn't a fan of the nonsensical screaming, the concert lived up to the hype and was worth the $45 I spent to see it.
The show started with Dilly Dally, a band from Toronto. The band nonchalantly walked onto the stage and burst out into 30 minutes of the loudest music I have heard in my life. The lead singer does not look like she would have the voice that she does have, one of the most screechy voices I have ever heard.
After Dilly Dally, MUNA came out. Coming off of a performance on The Tonight Show, I was very interested as to what they would sound like and why they were on the show. They came out and right away preached a message of love and acceptance of others, which is something that was needed more than ever. They went on to perform a set list that made everyone in the crowd dance like the outside world did not apply to them. The one song of theirs that stood out the most to me was the song "Loudspeaker", which talks about being to talk about your experiences in this life and how you should have the ability to sat what you need to say. They left the stage and then it was time for Grouplove.
Grouplove came out and performed one of my favorite songs, "I'm With You" as their opener and it did not disappoint. They came out with a style of rock that I have rarely heard before. For an hour and a half, it was almost non-stop energy, with the one time they stopped the energy was to perform a totally acoustic version of "Cruel and Beautiful World". Seeing them do that song in the context of the night that the concert took place.
All in all, Grouplove gave one of the best concerts I have seen in my short lifetime, from music that I thought was cool all through middle school and high school to a blistering cover of "Sabotage" by the Beastie Boys, Grouplove delivers a live show well worth the price of admission that you will have to pay.