Brett Kavanaugh is the current Trump nominee for the empty Supreme Court seat. If you have been paying attention to the news since he accepted his nomination for the Supreme Court seat you probably have some mixed feelings about him and his nomination.
So bare with me I have some things to say about this and you may not agree with me. Before I jump into what I have to say though while reading this article please keep in mind that I am a 21-year-old feminist who is a 4th-year social work student so what I have to say and my opinions are because of how I feel this could affect the country and women's rights.
Three women have come forward and reported that they have been sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh when he was in high school and college.
This is not something that you should be saying boys will be boys about. This is not a situation in which you should tell these women that they are liars.
These women are coming forward now years after the fact for a variety of different reasons. In fact, many women don't report being raped or sexually assaulted until years later for fear of being told that they are a liar, a slut, or that they are just looking for attention.
Nine times out of ten when a person comes forward and reports being sexually assaulted they are telling the truth. So before you jump the gun and say that all these women are just looking for attention or they are trying to ruin his reputation remember that nine times out of 10 people who come forward and say that they have been sexually assaulted they are telling the truth.
So when you think about what it will mean for the country and women in our country if he is made our new Supreme Court Justice you should be a little scared or have some mixed feelings about this.
If Kavanaugh is the new Supreme Court Justice we will have many women who have been sexually assaulted that will be scared or worried about how some of the laws could change and affect how their cases are tried or dealt with.
Having a Justice who has been accused of sexually assaulting not just one but at least three women as of now is going to change some things in our country.
By having a justice who has been accused of sexually assaulting women alongside a president who has also been accused of sexually assaulting women is going to set an example for people that we do not want to have happening at higher rates in the future than it already is happening.
We should all have an opinion on this and we should all be a little worried about what will happen in this country if we have Kavanaugh as our new Supreme Court Justice.