2. Eat some actual food | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

Here's The Con Survival Guide You Need

We already know about wearing deodorant.


It is the start of a new year and the start of a new con season! New and old con-goers alike are coming to show off their cosplays, go to panels and buy all of the new merch. Here are some compiled tips for both seasoned vets and newcomers from different members of Shout Out World Media!

1. Stay hydrated

Ramune, sodas, milk tea and for some alcohol may be the choice drink for con-goers, however remember to drink some water! Water will really help you keep going all weekend. All of those other drinks will overall dehydrate your body if that is all you drink.

2. Eat some actual food

Bring some actual food from home. As good as Pocky and melon bread is, it is important to fuel your body with some real food. Bringing some snacks from home (sandwiches are my fav) will really save you some money while at a con. Also, try out the food trucks some cons bring!!

3. Follow the 6-2-1 rule

At least 6 hours of sleep, 2 meals, and 1 shower (and no body spray is not a shower). Try to hit these minimums. Your health is important and if you make your body go to the extreme, you may not be able to enjoy the con as much as you would like.

4. Let someone know where you will be.

Give a friend or someone you trust a heads up that you will be heading to "X" location for either a panel, meet up, food, etc. This just helps to keep you safe and gives someone knowledge if something (hopefully never) does happen.

5. Put aside money for parking

Parking can easily become expensive if the con is held downtown in the middle of the city. Make sure to set aside money just for parking. Also, check out what the parking prices for that city are before you get there and see if there is a way to get a parking pass at a near by deck.

6. Buddy late at night at a con

Or have a buddy all day! Never travel around outside the con alone at night (this should be common sense, but some people don't). While the con community is a friendly place, there are some that are not so friendly.

7. Make a budget

Highly suggest making an overall budget for the con, but defiantly make a budget for when you go into the dealer's room and artist alley! It will save you from blowing $200 on merchandise (true story of my first con).

8. Check out the con's Facebook group page

It is an easy way to meet new people, learn more about the con, see photographers who are booking and just share some fun memes!

9. Bring a first aid kit/sewing kit

You never know what may happen at a con. You may cut yourself, get a mad headach after the rave, or rip part of your costume. Having these kits on hand can save you a lot of trouble! Also, always bring your prescribed medicine.

10. Make a packing list

Before you even start packing make a list of everything you need (cosplay, hygiene, normal clothes, etc). List out each item of your cosplay and do not cross it off of your list until it makes it IN your suitcase. Nothing is worst than leaving behind a wig, bloomers, make up, or even normal clothes.

11. Know how to identify con security and volunteers

This not only helps you know who you can ask questions, but also who you can tell if you see anyone harassing anyone or illegal activities occurring.

12. Make a plan when at the con

There are so many panels, guest signings, photo shoot meet-ups, friends to meet, and food to eat at a con. Make a loose plan of what you want to do that day. Most cons now a-days have a con app. Download them! You can save panels you want to attend or set a reminder when your favorite voice actor is about to do a signing.

13. Find somewhere where you can recharge

Both your phone and your body. Many cons now are implementing quiet/safe rooms to go if your anxiety becomes so much. Do not be afraid to utilize those rooms. Also, make sure to rest every now again and make sure your phone is always charged. Investing in a rechargeable battery is always a plus at a con!

14. Be wary of the rave water

Always examine the water in the rave area. If it looks to have been tampered with, do not drink it. Also, do not drink any unattended drink in the rave or anywhere for the matter. If you ever take an eye off your drink, throw it away and get a new drink.

15. Remember cosplay etiquette

Cosplayers are people too. Make sure to ask to take pictures, respect their personal space and don't touch their props without asking (most are very delicate). Majority of cosplayers love getting pictures of them taken, but not when they are resting, eating or during a paid photo shoot.

16. Have fun!

Most importantly, have fun! Cons are an amazing experience that everyone should be able to enjoy one day! Go out and have a blast.

Make this con season a great one! Cosplay to your heart's content, eat all of the Pocky, compete in every fighting game, and just enjoy yourself.

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