We live in a society that is infatuated with appearances, from peoples to objects. Our society strives to find what our culture has defined to be beautiful. People are basing the value of something off of its looks, and how our culture has defined it, and frankly, I want no part in that.
Judging a person off of appearance is by far one of the most ludicrous ways to estimate the worth of a person. A person's looks do not define them, they only enhance them. There is nothing wrong with spending time on your appearance and striving to look nice, where there is a problem is when you are looked down upon for your appearance not meeting the social norm. I feel that our society has placed too high of a value on physical beauty with less of a focus on the inward beauty of a person.
I'll be the first to admit, I am not the type of girl to get up and focus on picking out the perfect outfit and then spend an hour on doing her makeup , honestly I see no point in it. I am not saying that those who do are wrong to do so, occasional I will do so myself when I feel that the occasional is deserving of my time and effort. I am not saying to walk around with unbrushed hair mismatched clothes, etc.... No I believe it is nice to look nice and I believe my everyday look is nice, it is just not society definition of nice. My face is not contoured, nor is my eyeliner winged ( I don't excel at doing either of those things) my hair is not perfectly styled as to look as if I walked right out of a hair salon. I do not pick out my daily attire based on what is in style, or what shirt makes me look skinner, I dress to make myself feel good not to please others. Because here is the thing, genius last longer than beauty.
As a college student I am here to expand my mind and further my education, so why should I get up every morning and try to impressive people with my looks? I shouldn't and I don't. If you want to compliment me, compliment my mind, how I think, my ideas. Because a person's mind is truly a beautiful thing, no one person's thoughts are the same, so why do we try to duplicate our appearances off of societies style, when we are truly original? I have too many things I want to learn and conversations to carry to spend unnecessary time on making sure my appearance is just perfect (especially when it will be washed off that night.) I want people to be drawn to me not for my looks, but for my mind. For if you only find me physical beautiful than your spending time around me for the wrong reasons. I would rather "be soul food than eye candy."
For beauty fades, but your thoughts, your ideas, the conversations you carry, how you treat others, those things don't fade. So strive to make those things beautiful for those are the things that truly matter.
Genius will always outlive beauty.