There is something utterly nerve-wracking about leaving school for three months. First and foremost, moving out of my room seems to be a difficult feat, or at least that's how I've made it out to be in my head. But there is also a weird feeling that comes along with knowing that I have adjusted to living here, eating here, socializing here and seeing the same faces every day.
There is something simultaneously scary and exciting about knowing that I will get a break—from the stressful school work, seeing some people I don't like very much—and be able to be back in New York City. There is such a drastic difference between the slow paced, quiet life style here and the busy streets of New York, my home. I am eager to go home but I am also a bit scared because I know that come August, it will be an adjustment for me once again to be living on the Bryn Mawr campus and not sleeping in my bed at home.
While I am sad to leave for a few months, I do feel like I need a break from the environment here and the people—t will be nice to spend time with family and be able to relax. I often have felt stressed here either for academic or social reasons, and I believe that a break would be very beneficial for my mental health.
I am glad, though, that I won't be a freshman anymore for many reasons. I was so scared when I first came to Bryn Mawr because I knew absolutely nobody, and now I know people who are kind, supportive and smart and I am very lucky to know them. I am also glad that I will not be treated by other students and people in general as an ignorant freshman: I find that to be a common comment that people make when you tell them that you are the first year.
People proceed to tell you how much you have left to learn and understand, even if they are only one year older than you. I will never forget the first week that I arrived here, I was discussing a topic with one girl who was a sophomore and she told me: "You have so much to learn, that opinion will change, you'll get much more politically correct after a year here".I found that to be very patronizing. So I am glad that that type of patronizing attitude will be less common next year when I am not the first year.
Overall, I am nervous because this is my first summer as a college student, and I am curious to know how the adjustment period will be for me between adjusting to being away from campus and then returning to campus.