I am a Christmas enthusiast. I decorate the day after Thanksgiving, bake excessively, drag the family out to lug home the biggest tree we can find and drown in Michael Buble Holiday Pandora radio non stop. It is my favorite time of the year by far, as it is for so many of us.
However, I cannot deny that Christmas is complex. The stress of presents, weather, visiting family, and the overall general pressure of the holiday season can be overwhelming at times. Admitting so, here is Christmas with the Kranks to demonstrate both our despair and delight with the magic of this holiday season.
When family comes to visit and it's a reunion like no other.
When your seasonal botox had more side effect than expected.
When the grocery store turns into a battle ground.
When Carolers drive you nuts.
When the Christmas day feast didn’t turn out as grand as you planned.
When your neighbors outshine your simple wreath with a professional lights display.
When you'd rather be tanning.
When the weather's got you down.
When you scrooge out and curse the holiday season.
When people don't understand why you feel eh about christmas.
When you realize that friends and family are what it's all about!
Keep the magic alive and never doubt the power of Christmas!
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