It was the Spring semester of 2016, and I, Reagan Fleming had writer's block.
It was definitely not the first time, but as a student, I could not afford to have writer's block at that moment; what I was trying (and failing) to write would soon be turned in for a hefty grade. I managed to get my name written in the top left-hand corner of the page. Progress.
I remember after twenty minutes or so of writing and deleting words, I went to my friend, Molli's dorm room - my mind was still blank. I tried desperately to gain inspiration, but according to my computer screen, I wasn't coming up with anything interesting. When I voiced to Molli my level of stress due to the due date, she simply said, "Write something about us." The "us" she was referring to included her and I, as well as a handful of other friends we had gotten very close to over the past two semesters. Originally, I was unsure as to whether I could write a poem about something more than just my own thoughts. But once I thought of a particular event (the 2015 Christmas party - see cover photo), the words just...happened.
Completely Uninhibited
We set up the room
with some balloons
and streamers draping;
all for a celebration
of the birth
of someone worth
We danced like the friends
in that wallflower
Because when we danced,
we danced without a care,
even though dancing is so
unlike me.
Minutes in, a voice said
I’m making myself a fool.
Yes, I have two left
feet, but I chose not to
listen. So we danced
together and out of sync
to our favorite music.
We’re bad dancers with
good jokes,
rhythmless comedians.
But in the end, although
that night,
it was memorable.
It was perfect.
It was when I felt
completely uninhibited.