Most Overrated Musicians In 2019 | The Odyssey Online
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5 Completely Overrated Musical Artists In 2019

These people just need to stop.

5 Completely Overrated Musical Artists In 2019

Music is a beautiful thing that unites us as people, allowing us to look past our differences and cleanse our souls, to sum up, a horrible cliche saying that people always seem to use nowadays when talking about music. Music is a great thing, sure, but let's face it, there is a lot of music out there that is really, really bad. It's bad music, plain and simple. Unfortunately, many of today's most popular artists are responsible for this bad music, and much of the music that is considered "popular" and played on the radio these days is complete and utter garbage. Here are five of today's most popular artists, artists who are actually incredibly overrated and should really just stop making music because their songs are completely terrible.

1. Post Malone

Post Malone's physical appearance is quite similar to his music in the regard that they are both gross. Why do people like Post Malone? This is a question that I simply cannot find the answer to. We would all be "better now" if Post Malone had chosen a different career path to follow. However, with his nasty physical appearance, he probably didn't have too many other job options. There is probably no better motivation for achieving your dreams of musical stardom than knowing you are too gross to even get a job at Walgreens.

2. Cardi B

The world would probably be far better off if Cardi B never released another song ever again. The fact that she now has a Grammy makes me almost want to cry, because her music is... well, how shall we say it? It's bad. Yep, that pretty much sums it up. When it comes to Cardi B's music, I do not "like it that." I do not like it at all.

3. Drake

I know this is an unpopular opinion, and I may have jeopardized my well-being for saying it, but I don't think Drake is good. What bothers me the most about Drake is just how popular he is. I just don't understand it. He's decent at best, and if he weren't so popular then I could dismiss him as just another average rapper. His popularity baffles me. He's not the worst artist of all time, but I do honestly believe that he is responsible for the worst song that I have ever heard, a title that belongs to "Hotline Bling." In my mind, there was no coming back for him after that song was released, and I would rather listen to nails scraping a chalkboard than ever listen to that song again.

4. Camila Cabello

Half of Camila Cabello's heart is apparently in Havana, and hopefully, she soon takes the rest of herself and goes somewhere far away from any musical recording studios. I just don't understand the hype surrounding Camila, because I don't think her music is very good. Not to mention she broke up Fifth Harmony, one of the greatest musical groups of this generation. Just kidding, Fifth Harmony was also pretty bad.

5. Florida Georgia Line

I've never personally been to the boundary line between the states of Florida and Georgia, but if it's anything like Florida Georgia Line's music, then I don't think I want to. If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be, but hopefully their music is not meant to be because it isn't good. Also, the song "This Is How We Roll" which they sing with Luke Bryan is another one on the list of worst songs I have ever heard.

These are some of the most overrated artists of today's musical landscape. Yet, for some reason, they are all immensely popular and loved by millions. Popular music has essentially turned into a gigantic trash heap with the standards lower than ever for many of the songs that gain popularity. There is still good music out there, you just have to work pretty damn hard to find it.

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