No, I'm not talking about those who express occasional complaints or from time to time need to rant or someone to vent to... I'm talking about those who complain about everything.
I'm sure you know one, maybe you are one? They are the ones who walk around each day with a massive dark cloud ready to rain on your day. The ones with the "woe is me" attitude. The ones who will use anyone who will listen as a prey to fulfill their never ending, exhausting, energy sucking fulfillment.
Ugh. There's nothing worse then being stuck with one for any length of time. Even two seconds is two seconds too long.
If you are not sure what I'm talking about, I'll paint you an image.
It's the one whose forcing a smile on their face and genuinely never happy. It is the one whose attending a holiday dinner holding a glass that has a tiny scratch on it, that's holding water that's not bottled or doesn't have a lemon - therefore, they can't drink it. Oh, there's also a smudge on the rim, too, which means the glass wasn't cleaned well and will be the reason they die at 20. Because, to them, that smudged rim contains a deadly virus.
Why do these things always happen to me? They repeatedly ask.
I was scrolling through Facebook the other day to see massive posts (seriously, they were longer than the Panama Canal) from one girl I went to school with and another lady I just know of. They both use Facebook regularly in hopes to gravitate a large audience who would fall in their trap of woes. The girl mentioned how her life sucked, and she was about to "fail this test tomorrow." "My power is out of my dorm, just my luck." I won't go in much more detail of her post as a way to protect her identity, but you get the point.
The other lady uses Facebook almost daily. On Thanksgiving, she even complained. She complained about the Macy's Day Parade, her children not being included at some holiday party a month away and her husband not getting her favorite rolls. She complained about her family and the list goes on and on. (You are probably wondering why I read them, the truth is, it saddens me to the point I find myself laughing. I want to say something but I am also smart enough to know that doing so, would be playing with fire).
I desperately want to say to the girl I went to school with, if you fail the test- yes it stinks. But, you didn't fail in life. I'm positive you'll have ample opportunities to make up for that grade you wished you had done better on.
And, to the lady I just refer as, "crazy Facebook lady" I wish she would see how loved she is and how great her support system is- just pick up the phone and call. BUT NOT WITH AN HOUR OF COMPLAINTS!
You name it, they complain about it. So, here I am complaining about you, complainers.
Please stop draining everyone's energy with your never ending complaints. Just because you find yourself easier to express your complaints does not mean you are the only ones with struggles nor does it mean yours are the biggest. Don't resort to Facebook to expose intimidate details on your life that aren't going the way you wished. Complaining doesn't change the outcome of what's to come, That's a fact. They will happen, regardless of your outlook on them.
You are in charge of your destiny. Yes, I'm fully aware that it's a cliche, and curve balls are meant to happen. But looking at the positive makes dreams becoming a reality much easier. You have more friends, less stress and life for everyone drastically improves. It's simple, stop complaining.