If we don't complain how can we voice our dissatisfaction? I do believe it is important to share your opinion but there is a line people should draw in the sand when it comes to how much you're complaining and about what. It really bothers me when people whine about the same thing over and over again. We have all had that friend who complains constantly about how much their significant other sucks but ignores your relationship advice and then complains about them again the next week.
You can even make friends through complaining, if you're in a super long line and you turn to the stranger next to you, next thing you know you're bonding over the dreadful wait. Living in Arizona, I hear people whine about the weather all summer long, as do I. It any easy way to break the ice or just avoid awkward silence. Think about it you walk up to your friend who you sit next to in class and go "man its freezing out." Complaints can come naturally.
Some people could argue that those complaints about the weather or a long line are positively associated because we can start a convo or even make a friend out of it. I'd say that there is really no point in complaining about silly little things you can't change. I think it's pointless to focus on negative little things like that and it just wastes your energy. But hey, since I am someone who complains to break the ice, it would be better to say that we should just do it less.
There's also that redundancy in people complaining about things they can change. We complain constantly about something that we could do something about in order to change it, so why not just do it. I always like to live by the motto; You are what you do, not what you say you'll do. It's pretty easy to complain about things that we want to be different instead of just making it different. You have the power to change your life and complaining isn't the answer, the action is.
Even if we can't change things that we don't like sometimes, like how long a line is or how hot it is outside, we should be more mindful of our attitudes toward it. If something is bothering don't focus on it as much and try and revert your attention to something more positive. Life can make it pretty difficult to have everything be to your liking but something you can control is your mindset. Too often when people get upset by something minuscule, whining about it can quickly turn into getting excessively upset over the situation. I'm not saying that people shouldn't complain all, that will never happen. What I am trying to get at is that people should be more mindful of the negativity they feel because complaining could affect your happiness and also those who listen to your complaints.