The following is meant for pure entertainment purposes created through a satirical and sarcastic point of view.
America is now reaching its six-month mark under the Trump administration and to say "it's been a bumpy ride" is an understatement. With three and half more years to go, not even considering a possible reelection, the most memorable thing about Donald Trump's regime, so far, has been his tweets. Twitter is a way for Trump to reach out to his fans — as well as his haters. From applause to face palms, his tweets get all sorts of reactions. To celebrate the six month anniversary, here is a compilation of Trump's top 10 most hilarious tweets of all time that will not disappoint — to make you laugh at least.
1. That time when the 45th President of the United States invented a new word: covfefe
2. After all these years, the truth comes out. The Chinese are controlling the weather for economic purposes.
3. Resign, don't resign — either way, Trump is now president, but he's still spending his lifetime at golf courses. Good thing Obama didn't take up on his offer.
4.That time when he compared football and the presidential race (because they have so much in common?)
5. Errr. Don't you mean "it's fun when it's easy?"
6. This is coming from the man who tweeted "it's easy when it's fun."
7. Okay, we understand a possible hacking in the election, but illegal voters? What?!
8. You've been warned. Next time you see a windmill — RUN.
9. Woah. "Please call Dr.Trump to Room 117. Room 117. We have a case of covfefe."
10. Wow. Trump predicted the future for the 2016 election long before anyone knew he was even running for president.
... Just three and a half more years to go. Good luck, America.