How you choose to present yourself in the public eye can essentially define who you are. No, the opinions of other people do not change the person you are on the inside. But, peer perception is the very thing that can show the world the significance of your existence. It can mold you in the best ways possible.
In elementary school, it was frowned upon when a student did not actively follow the "Golden Rule," which basically says to treat others the way you would want to be treated. At the time, we may have laughed the rule off. We more than likely never let the idea of actually following it cross our minds more than once.
If only we had taken the time to digest the severity of the "Golden Rule" during the prime innocence of our youth, how pure the world would be. If anything, the act of kindness proclaimed just by simply following this rule plays an even larger role in our later lives than it ever did when we were young. Benevolence and consideration for the lives of others should be a part of our everyday routine.
It is important to present yourself with a sense of respect, not only of yourself, but of others as well. When looking for someone to trust in, or maybe even just to talk to, most people tend to steer toward the ones who smile the brightest. By simply being kind, you can impact the way others view you as a confidante and as a person.
In order to treat others with care and have a high regard for their feelings, you must hold yourself to even higher standards, in that you do not allow yourself to fall behind in the act of common courtesy.
Perception can be deceitful, and most people are not shy in saying that they could not care less what other people think of them. But, regardless of if you actually care, the actions that people view will define your true nature.
Before outwardly proclaiming that you are only living for yourself and should not care about open opinions, take into consideration what you are representing to the indifferent eyes of the public.
Compassion is the enemy of the selfish mind.
We have all met that one person who clearly only values their own well-being. People who have a tendency to care for no other human being than themselves do not go unnoticed by the public. Just the same, true compassion and selflessness never go out of style.
The world is desperately in need of kind, servant hearts who are willing to put their own comfort on the back burner in order to help the common good. Those who earnestly practice palpable congeniality.
You may think that your actions can only affect you and your life, but the truth is, what you say and do in public can reflect on your genuine character. Showing your true colors is an important step to fully understanding yourself and connecting with the people around you.
You should think and breathe with an altruistic nature. Walk with good intentions and serviceability in your step. Most importantly, you should live a life of transparency; one that makes it impossible not to see the authenticity of your heart.