This world is full of beautiful people and it's in our nature to compare ourselves to anyone and everyone around us. We judge people who are fitter than us, prettier than us, smarter than name it. We see people on the street or in class and think of any of our personal attributes that make us better than someone else just to make us feel better.
It's time to stop.
You are hurting others and you are hurting yourself. Something that breaks my heart is when I see someone walk by and then instantly hear girls (sorry, it's usually us) say something about their personal appearance, or worse, give them the look-down from head to toe, internally judging a stranger. You know absolutely nothing about this person other than what they look like and how they might dress on a particular day. To conclude whether or not you like that person in 4 seconds is sad.
We are all dealing with our own personal demons. Nobody wants to glance back and see others staring at them, laughing at them or talking behind their backs. Don't be the person that adds on to someone's emotional baggage. On that note, don't add to your own emotional baggage either by constantly criticizing yourself and taking note of how seemingly perfect everyone around you is.
We all do it.
I'm no exception to judging people by their appearance or comparing my own body to others, but I'm different, because I notice when I'm doing it and give myself an internal slap on the wrist it happens. For many, friends and peer groups only make it harder to accept one's self and ignore negativity.
Shine Theory
I've already mentioned this in a previous article, but it's so powerful that I'm going to mention it again. This is the idea that surrounding yourself with powerful, positive people will only bring you up, not tear you down. "True confidence is infectious." I firmly believe this. It's hard to not to feel like a badass, when your best friend actually is. We should be complimenting each other on things that we used to envy. You see someone with six-pack abs at the gym, congratulate them on their hard work instead of scowling in their direction. You see someone with wonderfully applied makeup? Ask her how she did it and make a friend where you used to make an enemy.
Girls, I'm talking to you here. We have plenty of things that tear us down everyday and we work hard enough to ignore it. Instead of adding negativity to each other's lives, let's start building each other up. You shine, I shine.
It's on you.
I challenge all of you in the next coming days to congratulate your friends or peers on an accomplishment, tell a stranger how beautiful they are and compliment someone's intelligence. You will be quite surprised how another person's reactions can affect you in a positive way!