Oh man, it's everywhere. That little thing called comparison. Some say it drives them or helps make them act 'fierce,' but I know, it just steals small parts of me. It takes my joy, my happiness and puts in its place a hurtful longing for things that aren't mine, and that I don't need.
We do it with social media, with people on the street, with your friends and with your enemies. You compare your success, your looks, your faith, your love and your money to the person who seems to 'have it all together.' You compare your talents to theirs and feel like you're not good enough. Well, let me tell you, all those thoughts are just hurting you. Those thoughts and words reflect poorly on you and damage you.(let's be super honest, I have heard so many times about my friend's enemies and how they look better and with that comes the whole I wish so and so's boyfriend would cheat on her and other things and COME ON GET YOURSELF TOGETHER. Be a good person, not a mean person) The people you talk about don't receive that sting you feel when you see what they have or are doing something you want. That sting is on you, not on them.
God likes to remind me that 'comparison is the thief of joy' all the time. I do it, seeing a girl with the cute clothes or the 7th vacation this summer. I wish what they have, and it does nothing but cause me pain and make me feel less. A Bible verse I feel so many have heard is "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy." The thief, or comparison, comes to steal our joy, kill our love and destroy our relationships. Comparison and jealousy come hand in hand, both creep up and overwhelm us, sinking us until the only way we can breathe is through climbing the ladder of 'things'- things we don't have but can obtain. But that's not how it's supposed to be. I heard this quote a while back off of a TV show, and it's somewhat along the lines of "The only reason you should look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure they have enough." I love that so much.
So, this next month try to compare yourself less to others and encourage more.