I feel as though the older we get, and start aging out of the teens and getting into our 20s, we feel pressured to be in a certain spot in our lives. We expect ourselves to be farther in life than we need to be. Graduating college, moving out of your parents house and getting your own place, having a professional job or paid internship, and well off as far as money goes. All of that is obviously possible, but usually very unlikely. At this time in your life, you’re still finding yourself, but at the same time following different crowds to see where you belong, hoping that that is where you’ll figure yourself out. Occasionally you'll look at other people and see where they’re at with their life and you start to find yourself comparing yourself, a lot more than you should be.
We all kind of want to just blend in, well not everyone but many of us. We want to be like everyone else who appears to have their life together. Even then, those people who look like they have it all together are trying to figure everything out as well. You really start to progress when you finally realize you don’t need to follow everyone else and you don’t need to be where everyone else is at with their life. Everyone does things at different paces. You gotta learn to detach yourself from people, close friends, and learn to mold your own way and kind of let go of the security blanket to start your own self development. You learn a pace that’s good for you and you go from there.
Some people have an urge to always do things differently, whether that be changing jobs frequently, majoring in many things, or just being involved in a whole array of activities. Others are more about working their one job, focusing on their one major, and just being more down to earth. Either is fine. You don’t have to do anything more or less than you feel is right for you. At the end of the day, your definition of success, is YOUR definition. Some people measure success by having a high degree, a great career, money, and a family. And others measure success by simply being happy and content with where they’re at in life. Everyone is different. You do what makes you happy and comfortable. You’ll start living better and being a happier you when you stop comparing your life to others and realize that nothing else matters if your content with where you’re at and where you know you’re going.