Dear Friend,
I hate you and I love you. You're my biggest frenemy and one of my dearest best friends.
You tell me things I don't want to know, you sometimes say too much and often say too little about things that I really care about. You make me feel small sometimes; you make me feel happy sometimes.
The feelings are mixed, because we're a lot alike, but we're also very different.
Before meeting you, I had different dreams and through hearing your dreams my dreams slightly changed, but after careful consideration I realized that your dreams are not my dreams.
We have different paths and that's OK, but what I need from you is not your submission. I just need you to understand, to be OK with my decision and to be proud of me. To accept me and my path wherever that may take me, because we are not fully the same and we do not have the same dreams.
We can fly together or we can fly solo but if we understand one another we can make the best out of this life together, and that's my end goal.
We've had really low times, we've had really hard times, and we've had times in between, but what is not acceptable is losing one another because of those times. You're one of my best friends and I hope you will always be because I am proud of you and I hope you're proud of me.
Dear everyone,
You can be different from your friends. You can be the same. I'm finally starting to realize that I can be similar to them but have my own goals and dreams. It's always been hard for me to understand that I can be my own person; I don't need to fit in with everyone else to be happy. I still don't know why I can't accept that but I'm starting to accept it and that's what matters. All your life you hear these sayings such as: be yourself, be unique, you do you, and follow your dreams, but that's easier said than done and honestly it wasn't until this year that these sayings even started making sense.
There is a quote from "Alice in Wonderland," that follows something like this.
Alice: What road do I take?
Cat: Well where are you going?
Alice: I don't know.
Cat: Then it doesn't matter. If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.
I came upon this quote late one night and it gave me a whole new insight into my problems. I trying to see a little too far ahead, which ultimately leads to my over thinking of situations.
So I urge you to take a step back when you're too close to see your own dreams anymore, because the closer the are, the easier it is to be fooled.
Dear friend again,
Thank you for helping me. Thank you for letting me spend those nights all the time. Thank you for making me part of your family and I hope you feel like part of mine. I hope you read this and remember all of the times mentioned, but most of all I hope we can have a brighter future as friends!