When you think of college students you often think of them living in dorms or in campus apartments. You don’t think about having to commute. I commute to the JSU campus every day five days a week. I am only thirty minutes away, but no matter how far you have to commute there are five things all commuters will understand.
1. Finding a place to park.
There is never enough commuter parking. Usually, you have to park at the library and walk from there.
2. Waking up early.
If you have morning classes, you have to give yourself enough time to wake up and time to drive. Not to mention giving yourself a little extra time just in case there is traffic. I will say that I don’t mind the mornings, but it is difficult when it’s still dark outside and
3. Carrying your backpack everywhere.
I am always carrying a gigantic backpack stuffed with school
4. The only thing worse than early classes is really late classes.
And if you have both you’ll be staying on campus until all you’re classes are done. When you have to drive home after a late class it can miserable.
5. Studying.
Being at home can either making studying easier or more difficult. I can usually get into my studying zone when I am in my room because it is where I am used to studying.