Having to wake up at 5:30 for a 9 am class
No just waking up and rolling out of bed at the last minute for you, you have a train t catch.
Missing the train/bus/subway
Because you will cry when you run to the train just to watch it pull out of the station.
How much money you spend on commuting
If you commute and you don't consider skipping class to have $2.75 on a metro card you are a liar.
Your always late to class
It's really not your fault, but its always awkward when you walk into a class midsession.
Carrying everything you need is a serious workout
My backpack weights more than me, and I weigh a lot.
Because if you forget anything your screwed.
We have all been tempted to leave on of your 4 textbooks for the day at home but once you come to class and you actually need it, there is no going back now.
People expect because your home from school you can work, while all of your friends are partying.
All of your friends go out every weekend because they went away to college so their parents send them money. Not you your work and school, so when you do go out you go all in.
Making friends.
Its not as simple as joining a club, if you go to a commuter school no one ever wants to talk they just want to go home and not having a roommate aka an instant friend makes things hard. You will eat alone. But you can do it (hey meg and vic)
Your constantly tired
Your day is way longer than anyone who goes away to school, especially if you work. Waking up earlier and having to travel can extend your day by hours and when you get home you still have homework.
When professors don't notify you for a canceled class
There is nothing worse than waking up at 5:30 to get to your only class that day to find out it was canceled when you could still be in bed.
When people go on and on about how great their dorm is
Oh wow you live in a dorm nice for you, my loans are lower than yours.
People always ask how you do it
~ coffee and adderall~
And honestly you have no idea
Because the coffee and adderall help but you are still tired as hell
But its worth it when you get to come home to a home cooked meal and a room you don't have to share
and your dog, shout out to my dog