We've all been in a family gathering trying to avoid contact with that annoying aunt that — we know — is planning on asking what our life plans are. As recent high school graduates, some of us barely know what we want our major to be, while some don't know at all. So the fact that people react to our major choices still amazes me.
Different people react in different ways to different majors. Some of them are funny, some are frustrating. Being from a family who expected me to be an engineer — only to find out I wanted to go for a career in communications — gives me the chance to experience both.
Here are my favorite ones:
1. "You know you can get killed right?"
I really hope this one wasn't literal, but it is.
I heard it once, when I first told my grandpa that I wanted to study communications.
He's still really worried that I might be sent abroad to cover a war, and get killed while I'm at it.
Thank God things change with time.
2. "How are you going to make money though?"
My favorite question.
It seem like money is the only thing in people's minds during this time and age. Apparently you won't have a good salary unless you become a doctor or an engineer.
What happened to "find a job you're passionate about and the money will come"?
3. "Nice! So you want to work at ESPN?"
Well, that would be cool, but not really. People tend to assume that a comm degree can only land you a job in news outlets, when in reality there's a much bigger pool of opportunities.
4. "You want to be the next Pulitzer?"
A little too much pressure, don't you think?
Becoming the next Pulitzer is an achievable goal, but as a 20 year old who doesn't know what she wants to do after graduation, I'd rather the bar be set a little lower to begin with.
Don't worry though, I'll keep pushing it higher every time I reach it.