In life, we are autonomous beings. Each human being on their own path, creating a life of their very own. This can be something we are proud of and work so hard to realize. With that, there are at least 9 billion people in the world with us. We interact with a tiny fraction of those people each and every day.
Whether through body language or verbal communication, we express our intents and desires to them. We are also blessed with a range of emotions that affect the reception and response to our communication. As everyone does, sometimes I struggle to properly convey how I am feeling or what is bothering me.
In our relationships with anyone, it pays to be clear and concise with intentions and feelings. Later down the road, it can lead to the exact opposite of the outcomes that we want to see in this world. Recently I have realized that I have been unclear and in my own head in dealing with the people that are most important in my life. We all do it, and the ability to hide behind our electronic devices seriously hinders the emotional connection that we can create with others.
I believe the marvels that have evolved through technological revolution are absolutely incredible. Don't get me wrong, I love my iPhone 8 plus as much as the next person. But I have definitely noticed a technology addiction in my life. I can say things through text, DM, Snapchat, whichever the favored method of communication at the time is, that I find so much difficulty expressing in real life.
It is definitely a product of our generation's dependence on technology for validation and confidence. Once I realized that that is not who I am, or what makes me feel good about myself. I realized the faults that I was making because of the significance that I placed on those interactions. Small, insignificant things such as alike can cause a domino effect. A personal spiral even, I find that to be a waste of my emotion.
I want to be happy in this life, as most people strive to be. I ask myself, and you the reader, does scrolling and liking hundreds of pictures give you joy? Of course I use Instagram and gas my friends up, but I love the moment. I love sitting outside and just looking at the flowers and sky.
That is where I find joy, and where I want to live. I cannot live in my phone, and manifest anxiety and emotion from a social media platform. I challenge you to stand up and look around, the world is beautiful. You are beautiful, remind yourself each and everyday how amazing you are! We don't hear that often enough, and it all starts with you.
Tell your loved ones they are amazing, enjoy them for who they are because they won't always be there. We need to focus on loving ourselves and those who make our lives so special. Seek happiness intangibility, it will do wonders for the soul.