It's that time of year again: finals week and most likely every college kid's absolute worst nightmare. Between exams and cramming and trying to find the motivation to finish the semester when you know you'll have five weeks of freedom, this week seems to never end. The to-do-lists and assignments and laundry pile up and you realize you've barely slept. The week before the most of wonderful time of year is a week all college students dread but, we're in it together.
In it together, we all know the pain of cramming and lots of work and little sleep. Here's some common thoughts we all relate to:
"Okay it's only this week and then I'm on break I can do this"
"Maybe if I study for this exam for 3 hours, I can take a break and then try again"
"Do you think I could nap here?"
"How much caffeine do I need to make it through this whole text book"
"Just three finals between me and break"
"Why is the library so crowded"
"I need a place to study"
"Maybe I can just study in bed"
"What's the lowest I could get on this final and still get a decent grade in the class?"
"Hey Cs get degrees right?"
"There's no way I can memorize this"
"Okay maybe I can get know half of it and that's the only part on the exam"
"Why are exams cumulative"
"I don't think I ever learned this"
"Why is college so hard"
" God please help me get through this"
"I can do this, its one test, I've got this"
"Maybe not, but there's no way I'll fail"
"How am I still studying?"
"When was the last time I ate"
"I think I need more coffee"
Even though finals week tests us in every way possible, remember study hard, keep your head up, and power through. May your coffee be strong, your exams be easy, and your break come quick and never forget "Cs get degrees too."