Common Thoughts During Finals Week | The Odyssey Online
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Common Thoughts During Finals Week

Everyone is in the same boat, and everyone gets through it

Common Thoughts During Finals Week
Dreams Time

Finals week is difficult for all college students. Work hard, and the rest is easy. We all go through it, and we all get through it. Do not let any bad results discourage you from working your hardest. In a matter of days you will be home for weeks with no responsibilities.

1. How soon until Winter Break?

Winter break could not come sooner. From the day you start studying for your finals, the countdown until you go home begins. It's what gets you through one of the toughest weeks of the semester. As each day goes by, break becomes sooner, and sooner. You cannot wait to get all the food you've been craving. You can't wait to be home for more than just a few days, with absolutely no responsibilities.

2. I hope I don't see anyone I know

During finals week you are completely exempt from looking presentable. Bat-mitzvah sweatpants or sweatshirts are encouraged. No one expects you to look your best. You may live in your Ugg slippers and the comfiest sweatshirt you own. There is no time to put in your contacts, so you keep on your glasses. Your hair isn't styled and you do not wear any makeup but everyone around you looks the same. No one is worried about appearance during that week, the only thing that matters is studying. Wear what you feel comfortable wearing that will help you focus and study as much as you possibly can.

3. I miss high school

No one told you how hard college is academically. All you see and hear about is the fun, social aspects of college. What isn't captured is the countless hours in the library studying, going to office hours, and mental breakdowns. In high school your teachers always reviewed; gave you review sheets, told you what to study, and prepared you for your exams. In college, you are on your own. You still have to go to your other classes, and may have back-to-back exams.

4. One down, four more to go

After you complete each final, you check it off your list. All your notes from that subject no longer have any importance to you anymore. Onto the next. As each one gets checked off, there is some weight lifted off of your shoulders. By the last one, you cannot wait to get out of the test. When you finally finish, there is no feeling that compares to that moment. You can finally breathe again. You can finally rest, hangout with your friends, and think clearly. You made it.

5. How did I get this?

Eventually, the grades start being posted for this past, and final, round of exams. Some that seemed to go poorly, may turn out better than you expected. Others that you thought went well may have been epic fails. As they say, "one test does not define you!" As annoying as it, this is totally true. There are essays, participation, assignments, homework, extra credit, and other points that add up and will balance out a low grade. Don't get discouraged, keep pushing yourself!

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