Every college student, past or present, has probably been exposed to one or more of these events throughout their college career.
1. Procrastination nation
Maybe it was that one time you promised yourself you'd write a paper in three hours and only realized it took longer than you expected when you heard the birds chirping outside at 5am. Maybe it was the time you spent 3 hours dress shopping for a dress you didn't need in the first place while putting your calculus homework aside for the night, fully knowing that you had only an hour left after your shopping spree to complete 31 integral questions. At one point or another, you've probably experienced something similar to these awful procrastination stories. But hey, you've probably learned your lesson at some point, or will at some point.
2. Living off of $10 for the week
At some point in your college career, the stereotypical broke college student scenario is bound to become reality. That week usually consists of a lot of ramen noodles or canned tuna on bread; this is the time when you wish you were still a first year in college living with an unlimited meal plan and stealing snacks from the dining halls. Unfortunately, that wonderful time ends when you start living off campus and being forced to cook for yourself or order takeout. But with $10 left in your bank account, it’s quite impossible to even order a pizza pie without having pennies left to spend for the rest of the week. At this point, you better ration your portions and make sure you can survive.
3. Why didn’t I do this before
You know that one paper that you had 2 months to start and only started the day before it was due? Despite the fact that your professor emphasized that it could not be completed in one night? Yeah, well you’re not the only one. Midnight visits to the library will show you just how many people are probably in the same boat as you. Yet, it happens to everyone at some point and teaches you to prioritize in the future. If it didn’t happen, you’d probably still be writing essays the day before they’re due.
4. Recalculating the attendance policy
Most of the time, I regret the fact that I decided to take a 9am lecture on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I am positive that most college students probably think the same thing about early morning classes. Yet, some days I simply know I’m not going to function as a normal person so I sleep in. In the middle of the semester, I regret my decision to sleep in twice and not go to my 9am; and that’s when the hardcore math kicks in and I recalculate my absences and check the attendance policy to see if I can sleep in. At that point in the semester, the attendance policy is the only thing that can guide you in the right direction. If you can have 3 missed absences, take your time and sleep in, but if you can only have 2, you better wake up and move your butt to class.
5. Productivity
Those days when you wake up feeling super excited about the day (okay, that is rare, I know) and you know you’re going to get so much done when you get home usually don’t turn out that way. More often than not, coming home makes you want to crawl under a blanket and relax for a little bit. After all, being a college student is hard (no matter how much adults deny it). Everyone’s been there, so there’s not reason to feel bad about taking your time to chill for a little bit.
6. Should I become a stripper?
There comes a time during the semester when you realize you haven’t done as well as you’d hoped in a given class, or you’re so stressed out that all you want to do is cry in your mom’s arms. That is the time when you contemplate whether your career is even worth it; after all, strippers are making 6 figures in today’s job market, so why do you have to study hard and prepare for a career where you are not guaranteed that kind of money.
7. Snooping
You know that one girl that everyone hates in that one sorority that is completely irrelevant on campus? Or the one guy you thought was really cute but couldn’t get in touch with because you didn’t want him to think you were weird for sending him a friend request? Well, that’s what your friends’ social media accounts are for. No college student can deny that they’ve never snooped from their friends account in order to not look creepy in sending a friend request to a person whom they barely know.
8. Coming home to real food
At one point in the semester, you told yourself it’d be realistic to cook every day and live a healthy lifestyle. But into week 3, you’ve ordered pizza more times than you’ve cooked a proper meal all semester. So coming home to a home-cooked meal after a long semester of frozen meals and overcooked pasta is a joyous moment for all.
No one ever said being a college student was easy, and these situations make the experience even harder for people to bear; but hey, eventually you learn your lessons and get that job you've worked so hard to obtain after graduation.