1. Theatre typing
We've all been there. It's been your dream role since you were three, but the casting director pegs you as more of a "Waitress Number Two" character.
2. Nobody understands your "obscure references"
What's my phone number? 24601, hahaha, get it? ...of course not...
3. Waiting for the cast list
The only thing more nerve wracking than auditions is waiting for the results (followed by either tremendous pride or immense self loathing).
Whenever you're lucky enough to ever get a call back, you make sure to scope out the competition. Who else is up for your role? Are these people good? Should I pee before or after?
5. Pre-casting
It happens. The director already has people in mind for the leads, the supporting roles, and the chorus. This just makes it even more difficult to get a decent role, not to mention it adds to your stage fright.