Finally, you take the final test or finish the last project you have been working on for what seemed like forever. You pack up your stuff (which always seems to be way too much or not enough at all) and you head home for break. You have so many expectations and things to accomplish while being at home; however, the break is suddenly over. You realize the only things you have completed were a few seasons on Netflix and sleeping in past noon almost every single day. Here are common phrases you will hear from a college student before going home for break (that will most likely not happen).
“I’m so broke...good thing I’m going to work all of break!”
While at school, most college students understand their lack of moola in their bank account, and it's okay since they (usually) have meal plan money. You can always lean on the thought of working once you come home. However, whether you “forgot” to call your boss to get hours or simply never ended up applying for any jobs... the chances of you “making bank” over break is very unlikely. And if you do work over break, that seems to be the only thing you did all break. (So both really aren’t favorable.)
“I am going to go to the gym every day over break.”
Why even lie? You finally have a big bed, a pantry full of food, and a car to drive to places and meet up with friends. Managing to not only get up, but to actually drive to the gym and then workout seems absolutely unreasonable. Plus, you just took so many finals--you deserve to “take a break and relax for a few days..." which somehow usually ends up lasting almost all of break.
“I miss my friends from home so much, I can’t wait to hang out with everyone.”
While it is likely that you will see your friends from home, it is probably because you can meet at someone’s house (because it’s free) or you’ll see them at your local community college (because apparently summer classes are a thing). And while you planned on so many fun adventures and nights with your old friends, getting up and getting ready plus spending money isn’t a thing.
“I plan on traveling a lot over break.”
While cooped up in your small room at school or deep into a book while in the library, one starts to imagine what a nice cruise would feel like. You start thinking about the ocean breeze in your hair while at the beach. But once again, you have no money (bye bye Coachella). You have no time from (possibly) working. No time from (possibly) hanging with friends. No time from catching up with your family (you know grandma and mom want to know about all of your fun times at college). You find actually planning out an awesome trip is very unlikely to happen.
“I’m going to start eating healthier over break!”
While it is very difficult to eat healthy at school (due to the lack of healthy food and the simple fact that actually eating a salad while studying would absolutely suck), there is no way one will begin once at home. You’re telling me that while in a house full of food (that is already paid for may I add) and wonderful home cooked meals plus your favorite nearby restaurants that you will eat healthy? (P.S. if you actually manage to do this, I am envious of your life choices.)
“I’m getting rid of so many clothes when I go on break.”
Oh, that forever feeling of missing what seems like 99% of your wardrobe, but having to keep every article of clothing “just in case!" However, this break you’re sure you’ll take the time to go through your whole closet and even attempt to sell some of the nicer stuff. But the actual effort to go through all your clothes when you could be doing something way better is next to impossible.
“I can’t wait to relax when I get home and just lie in bed all day.”
While this plan may roll for a few days, your family that’s been home is eager to hang out (or if you’re apart of my family, being home means being available to help mom run errands and clean the house while she’s at work). Taking numerous bubble baths a day and silently lying in bed is (most likely) foreign to your family. (And once again, if your family is anything like mine, the idea of “silent” is a no-go as there is almost always talking, laughing, or yelling going on.) You will most likely not be able to relax and hibernate in your room for as long as you wanted.
While preparing for that last final exam before whatever break is coming up, these phrases seem to be very common among the college crowd before going home... alongside “I can’t wait to be home” or “ugh I can’t wait till break is over." So, the next time you plan out your expectations for break- face the upsetting reality. And for those of you who do manage to work, go to the gym, eat healthy, and so on... kudos.