I never thought I would be a sorority woman. I always thought that sororities weren't for me. Eventually, I began college and my roommates were rushing and I decided that maybe I should try it out.
I mean, what was the worst that could happen? I hate it and I drop. Somehow through those four days of recruitment, I found my home. I learned that sorority women are more than I thought them to be. Here are a few misconceptions many people have about us:
We Pay For Our Friends
I have made so many friends through sorority life. I also pay for my sorority. Does this mean I pay for my friends? NO. I pay for experiences. I pay for socials, activities, and t-shirts.
The friends are a free perk. You are paying for college, and you make friends in college does that mean you are paying for your friends? No! So stop assuming we are paying for our friendships.
We All Look Alike
Many people think that sorority women are tall, blonde, and skinny. Are there some sorority women that look like this? Yes, and they are great. However, we aren't all clones of the perfect women.
Some of us have red hair, some of us are short, and some of us are a bit chunkier than others. In the end, sororities are about a group of women loving each other for our differences, and not what we look like.
We Are Dumb/Ditzy
This misconception is laughable. What people don't know is many sororities value education and make it one of their top priorities.
In fact, across many times the average of every sorority women's GPA on a college campus is higher than a regular college student.
Our Parents Pay For Everything
There isn't anything wrong with your parents paying for school if they can afford it. However, not every sorority women have parents to fall back on. Many of them work hard at one or even two jobs.
They have to pay, not just college expenses and bills, but also for a sorority. They work so hard to make sure that they can be part of their sisterhood.