We all make promises—to ourselves, our friends, our family. They’re easy to make, but they can be hard to keep. From telling your dentist you floss twice a day, to saying you’re only going to have a few chips, we all lie sometimes. Here’s a list of lies you have undoubtedly told at some point.
1. “I’ll just watch one more episode.”
Four seasons of "Friends" later, and you find yourself sitting on the couch in the dark. It was bright out when you sat down, but here you are, having accomplished nothing today. Sigh.
2. "I love it!"
Face it, you've pulled this line. Whether you're sitting in the hair salon chair with newly cut bangs, or receiving a gift you know you'll never use, you've said it. You have to flash your forced smile, but you feel like this:
3. "I can't go out tonight, I don't feel well."
We've all been there: If I go out, I'll wish I was home. If I stay home, I'll wish I went out. Sometimes you just need to sit one out and let your friends down easy.
4. "I'm going to start going to sleep early and waking up early!"
This is always a great idea in theory. However, when I try to actually execute it, it's a huge fail. I always find myself staring at the ceiling at 2 a.m. thinking about ridiculous things like space exploration and why the Kardashians are famous.
5. "I'm going to start eating clean."
Ah, another thing I've promised myself, but failed to keep. It typically goes like this:
Breakfast: A banana, strawberries and a glass of water.
Lunch: Avocado Toast.
Snack: Two Oreos.
Dinner: Pizza, mozzarella sticks.
After dinner: Ice cream, a donut, my weight in Nutella.
6. "I'm on my way, I'll be there in five minutes."
Bullshit! You're probably still blow-drying your hair or watching "Law and Order" or something.
7. "I'm fine."
"I'm fine" usually translates to "I don't want to talk about it" or "I'm testing you to see if you actually care what's wrong."
8. "Sorry, that was my last piece."
Everyone knows that as soon as you whip out a pack of gum, everyone within a five mile radius becomes your best friend. If there are five pieces or less in your pack, this little white lie is OK to tell.
9. "I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions."
No you did not. If you haven't told any other lies in this list, you've told this one.
10. "Sorry, I forgot to press send."
Sometimes this genuinely does happen. But if you've ever gotten a text you didn't know how to answer and needed a little more time, you've told this lie.
11. "I'm never drinking again."
Until Friday rolls around, that is.