Coming to college is a new experience for many people. When you have to coexist with many other girls on the same floor, there are some common courtesies that need to be remembered.
1. Don't leave you hair in the shower.
As a girl with long hair, I understand that a lot falls out in the shower. Just throw it away in the garbage after. PLEASE don't stick it to the shower walls.
2. Keep your sex relatively quiet.
If you are having excellent sex, good for you! But nobody else really cares how good your boyfriend is. Keep your yelling to a minimum.
3. Wash your toothpaste down the sink.
Nobody wants to wash their hands in a sink with dried toothpaste caked around the drain.
4. If you want to be extremely loud with friends, get out of the hallway.
I am all for a good time, but if you are yelling down the hallway I'll get salty.
5. Don't write ignorant things on other people's white boards.
Most girls put white boards up on their door to get messages from their friends. If you make a joke to a friend, that's different than writing something rude on someone's board you don't like.
6. Don't leave your clothes in the washer or dryer for a long time after their done.
I have clothes that I would like to wash and if you are incapable of taking your clothing out when they are done, I will not feel bad setting them on the top of the wash machine.
7. Flush all your toilet paper down the toilet.
Yes, even if that means flushing twice.
8. On the other hand, throw all of your *lady products* in the garbage.
I've got enough of my own problems without having to deal with your mess.
9. Leave your door open when possible.
This will help other people get to know you by simply stopping by to see a friendly face!